The Regulator Too

Welcome to our strange and wonderful place!

Rack ’em up, another fail!

Oh my! Here is the current statement at GoFundMe by the Master of Fail unicorn wrangler :

Larry Sinclair many fails 7363823_o” You will notice that donations are no longer being accepted on this campaign…I have discontinued this GoFundMe drive as it is clear that the drive will not reach the goal set for it in the time that I wanted it to happen.As I published in an article recently on this very subject, I am perfectly okay with the campaign not reaching its intended goal. The $500 offline contribution toward this goal has been returned to the donor. The book will still be available upon is nationwide release for ordering at that time.In an effort to make the upcoming release of the new book When One Man Stands a success it is our desire to raise the funds necessary to have a minimum of 10,000 Hardback copies of the book printed and available on the day of release to the general public.”

dennis_the_menace_incredibleSurprise! Surprise! In other words, the fund drive has been a complete failure. Nothing he has said over the past several years make a lick of sense and is just a load of gibberish to fool the suckers.He is returning the $500 because…well, under the rules of GoFundMe he doesn’t have to do that but if the offline donation was simply bull, then it doesn’t matter. Likewise, he seems to be closing it early (unless there actually was some other “issue” going on behind the scene).

So now we wait for GoFundMe Scampaign number 4. Maybe he will have a brain tumor again. Medical fund drives are always popular. Since  this current GoFundMe scampaign has crashed and burned, Fat Boy will have to fall back on the old saying: “When the going get tough, the tough blames us.” Yes, I have no doubt that once again we have used our evil mental powers learned from our Sith Lord and have created havoc on his noble quest. Odd thing. We are basically his only readers yet he treats us like dirt…He will have a very easy time blaming us. After all, we are evil. Everything we do is evil. Our thoughts are all evil. We shoot evil rays at him. When he looks in the mirror, he sees our evil grinning face glaring back at him. We are so evil that he can think of nothing else but our evilness.

So yeah, it is all our fault. I mean it couldn’t be that he is a stupid jackass who went out and made every boneheaded mistake possible in crowdfunding or anything like that…nooooo. It’s those evil regulator folks. Bah ha ha ha…and Lardo, while you continue to wallow in the numerous failures of trying to fleece money out of the same five or six people, remember that we (and I guess just we alone) still think of you. You will always have a place over here, Fat Boy. Love and Kisses from a fan.


Bubbyes?! Fatboy

About these posts:

SN-LSNG To Shut Down… 


July 31, 2014 By  On January 16, 2012 I decided to consolidate multiple websites which had been in operation since 2008 under one name and bring people the News in a way no other media organization has or ever will. On that date Sinclair News-LS News Group became a reality and I want to think that I and those who have played a part in over operation in the last two and half years have lived up to the promise made to readers.It has been a struggle to continue the operation as I have never made cozy deals with individuals or organizations for favorable coverage and reports in exchange for ad revenue or financial gain. I have learned over the last year that either you play the game and make concessions to individuals, organizations, politicians et al or you simply do not get access to those necessary to report from the frontlines.  It is for this reason that rather than be another online mouthpiece to the puppet masters I have made the decision to shut down Sinclair News-LS News Group as it is now known and operated and concentrate instead on writing books and giving my view of things in speaking engagements when they come about.

My second book  When One Man Stands (which has had multiple delays in its release) will finally be out in the end of August 2014 and I have a third book which will be coming out in late summer 2015. I am currently in talks with a potential buyer of the Sinclair News-LS News Group domains, articles, photographs and videos and if those talks result in a deal then the new owner will continue in the News but under a different organization and management team. If talks fail to produce a buyout I will cease current operations of Sinclair News – LS News Group effective Monday August 4, 2014 and will leave the site as is until such time as either a buyer is found or the domain name is sold.


SN-LSNG Has New Owners…

August 1, 2014  By  Effective today Sinclair News-LS News Group and the domains and has new owners and the site will be undergoing a complete remodel in the coming weeks. All email accounts associated with Sinclair News-LS News group will be removed and reestablished by the new owners. Lawrence (Larry) Sinclair can be contacted by email at Larry@LarrySinclair.comOnce the new owners have redesigned the site as the see fit they will also reestablish what email addresses they wish to set up for contacting the Editor and those who are involved in the site. I would like to take this opportunity to say it has been great fun and a true pleasure to have met all of you over the course of this past almost 3 years and I wish you all the best in whatever it is you do in life.


Dennis imagesHere are the key points in evaluating a web site for purchase. 1. The site’s intrinsic value. This has to do with such factors as how many clicks it is receiving per day, week, and month. Also, how much revenue does it make through its advertising (which is in-turn determined through its clicks). The LSNews site has had extremely low ratings from virtually the get go and over the past year has completely dropped under the radar. Since the clicks are way too low to even be determined, we have to give it a functional value of 0. Likewise, the ad revenue has to be extremely low (sometime back a basic estimate was around $450 a month). So it also receives a functional rating of 0.

The site has no intrinsic value.

Next is name value. A good example of this was the old site ran by you know who. Parisi had it parked for quite awhile, selling ad links to mostly porn sites (they pay top dollars) while waiting for someone to buy it as a hot URL address. Then he got the idea that he was going to develop it into a “news” site. Then Parisi got the even better idea that he would make a name for the site by seeking out a potential political sex scandal and made a deal with the devil. Everything went to hell afterwards. Odd, Fat Boy has quite a thing for running “news” sites into the ground.

The LSNews site has no readers, has no rep, and is overwhelmingly ignored by most of the wing nutter universe. Likewise, the name Larry Sinclair has no value. These days, few people know who he is. Still fewer assume that he is dead. Some who know him hate his guts (for example, Ali Akbar and his associates). If someone did buy that URL, they are stuck with the LS and would need to some how change it to something different as they rebrand the site. But since the site is totally worthless, only an idiot would put that much effort into the work it would take to do this….

….Which is where Ken Olsen comes into play. The man is a complete idiot and an even bigger nutcase than Lardo. Likewise, he has the Lysander Spooner name that he uses for everything which would make the LS a non-problem. The lack of attention (and even down right hostility) that the LSNews site has in many quarters is no problem since Olsen is persona non grata among many of the other wing nutters (many of whom have also banned him from their sites for reasons we are all to familiar with over here).

This is virtually a done deal. Welcome to the Lysander Spooner News site where the news is freshly cooked every day with a spin seen nowhere else on this (or any other) planet. Yes, if you think this place was stupid and stinky and insulting before, wait until you get a load of the new (and not at all improved) LSNews.

Bet Kenny will keep POS on as special reporter.


qpyr8ic06tzgbqa2p9rc_reasonably_smallWhy does his “business” deals always sound like something from the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition?


Lies, lies, deception…

Facebook post by SickLiar (I’ve taken a screen shot)

Larry Sinclair shared a link.
June 13 ·”After three completely unnecessary trips to Colorado (though I am glad I was able to reconnect with good friends and meet kids) and almost $32,000.00 in costs the matter is over. Costs were in travel expenses, Attorney fees etc and not a penny was paid to the Court, DA or anyone else associated with this case”


liar_xlargeComing up with “almost $32,000″ to cover court costs is personal income/revenue. How does one collecting $674 per month, $8,088 per year Social Security disability continue to receive it after they’ve declared this income/revenue to Social Security?

We know a bunch was what Ken Olsen paid for the rights to the book. It’s almost impossible to call the balance a loan because who is going to loan tens of thousands of dollars to a guy who has been collecting roughly $8,088 per year disability since 2001, been a career con man in theft/deception and has been sued all over the place over the years by people trying to collect money from him? When the IRS see that, even if it’s called a loan, they treat it as income because there’s no realistic expectation of it ever being paid back.

I’d also point out a lie/deception/speaking with forked tongue:

Sinclair was required to post a $15,000.00 surety bond including a non-refundable premium of $1500.00 on March 22, 2014.

Reconcile these two statements from the two above quotes and how they can both be true:
” not a penny was paid to the Court, DA or anyone else associated with this case”
and “Sinclair was required to post a $15,000.00 surety bond including a non-refundable premium of $1500.00 on March 22, 2014″

I just don’t see how they can both be true.

Apologies to Kstreet that we didn’t spend more time on all of his lies/deceptions in this particular blog – so I added that one to our list of many. 🙂


Huh?! Kenneth Olsen…

Lysander Spooner avatarLysander Spooner (Kenneth Olsen) says: “Larry Sinclair has produced receipts, hotel correspondence, phone numbers, dates, places, and the limo driver’s nameMr. Sinclair’s evidence has been treated the same way the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse’s evidence has been treated: It is diligently ignored lest it substantiate the allegations.”


4a1a88c89c4ef2cebbee6cbcd2479698.jpg WTPL avatarShow us a receipt SickLiar has produced from November 1999. You can’t because he produced absolutely none.

Here’s the correspondence he provided:

with the words “While I cannot authenticate any of the information you currently have in your possession” crossed out. Here’s the cleaned up copy:


What you don’t appear to know is that when SickLiar originally provided this hotel points statement (which is not a receipt):
factsThe evening dates of his alleged liaison with Barack Obama, evenings of Nov 6 & 7 1999, were not on that statement. When we called him on it, he couldn’t readily explain it and scrambled. Prior to that, the timeline and details of his story had already shifted a number of times. So according to Choice Hotels (who I also spoke with), he called in to complain about missing points and they added the dates without any verification, trying to keep their customer happy and not wanting to bicker about something so financially trivial. A Private Investigator concluded: “What we can determine is that there is NO evidence Mr. Sinclair was at the Comfort Suites when he claimed to have been.….We do not find evidence of Mr. Sinclair’s stay at the Comfort Suites. These statements appear to be a well crafted forgery, where Mr. Sinclair has convinced the hotel company to add his hotel points so that he could use the statements for alternative purposes.”

The Hotel could not provide anything with Sinclair on it’s register, any invoice or financial record. SickLiar could not provide any receipt, credit card records, telephone records, witnesses or legitimate verification of his stay of Nov 6-7 1999 when he claimed to be with Obama.

So SickLiar couldn’t make the “dates and places” he claimed work with his own original evidence and had to manufacture some to try to cover his scam.

When Colorado arrested him on Nov 8th for his parole violation, there was no failed drug test for cocaine use.

sprint-2p0-eclair-update-post-image-540SickLiar provided phone numbers but any one could. He didn’t provide any phone records whatsoever. Where that really becomes problematic is in the recent days before Jan, 2008 when he made his claim. He claimed to have contacted the Obama campaign in Sept 2007 and claimed to speak with Donald Young several times during the fall. I also had a Sprint cell phone and you could get those records online. But he wouldn’t provide them. He claimed it was because of a Grand Jury investigation of Donald Young’s murder but when we contacted the Chicago police, there was no Grand Jury investigation for Donald Young’s murder nor any other impediment for him to publish those phone records. And Sprint cell phone records show inbound and outbound calls so that wasn’t a legitimate excuse. The Secret Service report the first time they heard about SickLiar calling the Obama campaign was in Feb 2008 even though they have been protecting Obama since May 2007. SickLiar claimed the thing that prompted him to call the Obama campaign in Sept 2007 was a meeting Obama had with teenagers to talk about drug abuse – but that didn’t take place with any kids until mid Nov 2007 – another timeline lie. So the phone numbers SickLiar listed provided zero evidence for his BS story and just caught him in more lies and deception.

lingo2We finally tracked down the limo driver Multani when SickLiar wouldn’t and he exposed SickLiar as trying to blackmail him into going along with SickLiar’s Obama scam. Hardly a good witness for SickLiar’s fraud on the American people.

That’s what you paid for. SickLiar hosed you just like he has many before you.


Sinclair, no laughing matter…

0,,1705541_4,00Today, in Moncton, N.B. Canada, they’re burying three excellent police officers (RCMP). Fine husbands. Upstanding members of their community and church. Fathers of five with a sixth due in September. Ambushed and lost due to a nut with a gun whose father couldn’t get him the mental help he needed. Very, very, very tragic story and terrible loss.

In Las Vegas very recently, two more officers, good fathers and husbands, were shot while eating their lunch at a restaurant by a couple of tea party extremists/nuts. Another very, very, very tragic story and terrible loss.

This is not a good time for a nut like Sinclair to go after law enforcement – which the DA’s office encompasses in my opinion.

The record is pretty clear. Sinclair has been mentally ill since childhood. He has an aggressive nature as demonstrated by all his threats and assaults in jail and by the numerous threats against Obama, us and others, etc. The Secret Service were concerned about his overtures towards “suicide by cop”.

Our collective societies in the free world, as demonstrated by countless other tragedies like the above, have not yet fully or perfectly addressed mental illness and access to guns. If Colorado has a legitimate legal opportunity to make this case, my hope is they thwart the mental health risk Sinclair represents by throwing this sick fuck in jail for a long, long time.

motivationsl-larry-43_Larry Sinclair


Will Sickliar go to jail?

Larry Sinclair is wantedI agree with Dennis that anything is possible because we haven’t seen the evidence. But if they have solid evidence he committed forgery, I think Larry will  go to jail for a number of reasons:

a) He’s ticked off the DA’s office with bogus charges.
b) Colorado have built a better prison for this type of troubled prisoner that will minimize his litigious tendencies because they can keep him caged with absolute minimal human contact.
c) He’s a classic habitual offender and Colorado is one of the toughest on habitual offender sentencing.
d) In part due to his mental illness, he will never have any remorse, as he never has, and therefore, he will never stop committing criminal offences.
e) He’s been a tremendous burden on society while he’s been out of jail (FBI, Secret Service, law enforcement, White House family, bureaucrats in government, etc), will never carry his own weight and half of what it will cost to incarcerate him will be paid for by relief of not having to pay him social security while he’s in prison. In other words, as far as the public is concerned, it’s arguably substantially cheaper for the public to keep him in jail.
f) He’s admitted to smuggling illegal aliens and drug trafficking for which he hasn’t been convicted so a sentence for forgery helps pay that debt to society.
g) He’s evaded Colorado justice as a fugitive felon.
h) If they look at what he’s told him, he’s arguably committed a felony in perjury in his affidavits.
i) Very arguably the only reason he got off passing counterfeit money orders in Delaware was for political reasons – not because he was innocent – another debt to society not fully paid.
j) He’s one of the biggest fucking useless dead weight assholes I’ve ever encountered.

Larry sinclair



memo to Larry…

OK, it is time for another memo to Larry (the Butthead) Sinclair:

(in reply to—->When Politics Turn Facts into Fiction, and Fiction into Facts Part II of III )

denis_la_malice15.jpg DennisDear Butthead, as one of your more faithful (actually, I may be your only) reader, I can’t help but(t) notice that your defense is running a little thin. You see, in a case like yours, the core “facts” have to do with some woman’s tax checks having some how acquired forged signatures and ending up in your bank account. These “facts” (also called “evidence”) suggest that either you or someone you are closely associated with (for example, your mama) had taken these checks, forged them and then banked them into your account. Perhaps you were not aware of this, but this is considered a “felony.”In most states, this is treated as a “crime.”

To defend yourself, you have to come up with a plausible story as to how this could have happened without your knowledge as well as why you didn’t return the money after you discovered this outrageous act. Or you might just fall back on some claim that the victim did it because she was out to frame you (which I assume is where you are trying to go with your increasingly lurid but also pretty stupid story). Of course, this still doesn’t explain why you wouldn’t give the money back and instead bolted for the hills when the judge wasn’t falling for some of your other outrageous stories…but I guess the case is still young, so to speak.

me-1999-275x187However, I kind of understand your problem. I mean, here you were back in the days just running a simple little inter-state drug running operation making lots of money while breaking a bunch of major federal laws – you know, the kind that should have slammed your butt back in prison for the next thirty or more years – and some cheap little hussy sets you up (yeah, sure) just because she caught you doing the wild thing with her drunk husband and its like, come on, since you are such a manly man of a stud muffin, why heck I’m sure the poor slob couldn’t help himself. I can hear him now softly sighing “Oh El Gordo…sweet El Gordo.”

Too bad that actually has nothing to do with the case – which still has to do with her checks in your account with forged signatures.

Of course, her brother owed you lots of money because gosh golly gee whiz, not only were you an inter-state drug dealer but you were also running a charity and oh gee you couldn’t do enough to help this guy out (though your “help” is starting to sound a bit like loan sharking to me). And since her brother owed you money, gee I bet you felt that her checks ought to belong to you to cover his debts. Too bad the law doesn’t see it that way. They still call it theft and forgery (though it helps to explain why you wouldn’t give the money back because gee golly, you worked hard to steal those checks damnit)).

BTW, you do know that you are basically confessing to committing the crime. Your weird and twisted sense of self-justification is totally and legally invalid. The rest of your utterly ludicrous drivel is completely irrelevant and most (if not all of it) will not be permitted into court because it has nothing to do with the actual case…

Which is all about how her checks ended up in your account with forged signatures.

free-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif LMAO“… A photograph was taken of Rogelio pulling the waist band of my sweat pants open looking at my butt. That photo will also be used in the defending against these knowingly false charges.”

So now you want to enter a photo of your butt as evidence. ROLF! I bet the DA’s office can’t wait to add that pic to their dart board. But it just doesn’t matter. Nobody wants to see your butt (or at least not until you get back to Cell Block D). And your butt doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the case (unless that is how you signed those checks). I know that you are a self-confessed “hungry bottom,” but you got to think beyond your butt, you turd brain.

So let’s be honest (and just listen to me, my friend Senor Butthead), you are screwed. Your crime was so low grade and stupid and you left such a clear trail right to your door that it almost seemed that you wanted to get caught. But then I remembered. Oh yeah, you spent a large chunk of your adult life in prison because you kept getting caught committing really crappy stupid crimes in a wildly sloppy manner. Like maybe crime really isn’t your best “career” thing. I mean let’s face it Larry, you totally suck as a criminal.

But that’s OK. You are pretty use to the prison life and since you seem to be having a tough go on the outside, maybe it is best this way. I think maybe you have a secret desire to get back in stir, see your old friends, meet some new faces, turn the other “check” twice a day. So keep up the good work. With your “defense,” you will be spending the next 25 years in lock up in no time.

P.S. Please be sure to post that butt photo. I was hoping to download it as my new screensaver.

I should add a P.S.S. When you enter your butt as evidence, be sure to make the cops dust it for fingerprints. Then claim that they found Obama’s fingerprints (since I assume you haven’t washed in the last couple of decades). You can then add that to your “book” and watch the sales sky rocket (well, at least watch it go from 0 to 1).

Also, when you do post that photo of your butt, would it be OK if I animated it? Trust me, juries love talking buttholes. After all, they see them every day in court.

Sincerely, A Fan


Lookie “Go Fund Me” Fundraiser

While trolling around SinclairNews’ pathetic Twitter channel  I found the tweet below and then other information unfolded with a video.

I’m certain Sinclair was advised  against posting further online but the “narcissist” can’t help himself, what does he do? He creates a video filled with threats.

Good Luck goes to his ATY/ Karl,S. Tameler!

Disclaimer: “The RegulatorToo” makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that  our viewers are prepared.The content of this video may be detrimental to your health (nausea, and  vision). View with utmost caution and at your own risk, suggested,wear a pair of sturdy hipwaders.


“Why I need you to Contribute through Go Fund Me

Published on 12 Apr 2014 by Larry Sinclair

The Go Fund Me account that was recently set up was done so that I might be able to hire the Attorney I need to fight these false charges which certain former DA’s have kept active for nothing more than to score political points and favors from other.

Please help us raise the $15,000.00 we need to cover the legal fees needed if this case is taken to trial and the $5000 needed before the Attorney makes his formal appearance.” Updated posted by Larry Sinclair 20 days ago “Please take a moment and listed  <– :eyeroll: to the brief video clip I have shared with you. Your help is being sought so that I might be able to defend myself against charges the prosecutors already know are false, but who continue to push the case not for Justice, but for Political posturing.

 And for whoever’s interested – here’s Larry’s FUNDRAISING site…

Larry’s Legal Defense Fund”—->


 1780819_837697756257382_1145041169_nCreated by Larry Sinclair on April 9, 2014  DAYTONA BEACH, FL

 On March 20, 2014 I was arrested on a warrant from Colorado which was changed in December 2012 in retaliation for my filing a FOIA request against a Deputy Distrcit Attorney in Pueblo, Colorado. The warrant which was originally issued in 2001 and was then taken and turned into a Political football in the 2008 Presidential elections was to be dismissed altogether in 2008. Former Deputy DA Stephen A. Jones (for political purposes) filed a factually false motion before a Judge in December 2012 asking that the warrant be amended to nationwide in retaliation for filing of FOIA request against him and his office. Since my arrest I have posted the bond and flew from my home in Florida to Colorado. I need to hire an Attorney in Colorado and I need to travel back and forth between Florida and Colorado until this matter is resolved. I have put all of my art collection up for sale along with a 1995 bottle of Dom Perignon but until they sell I need to raise $15,000 ($10,000) required to hire Attorney before April 28, 2014. In addition to my art collection I am putting the complete rights to my first book up for sale as well. The charges are false and even though the prosecuters know them to be false, they continue to push the matter for political posturing for themselves.”

Pretty pathetic or surprising that  he’s got $500 collected.

And now it’s time for Dennis’ Teachable Moments (views about the video) :

Proffesor_dennisOK, where do we start.

1. They are not alleged charges. They are simply charges. Signed, sealed and delivered in court etc etc. So you are up on charges for alleged crimes. Keep it straight, asshole.

2. As for your claim that the charges were suppose to have been dismissed – who cares. The only thing that matters is what is in the court record. The only move on record was your own half-baked attempt to get the charges dismissed (remember that brain tumor thing) and that was tossed by the judge. So the charges were never dismissed, period. It doesn’t matter if some one at the DA’s office made some weird claim for you to save your money and not come back etc (which doesn’t even sound like any DA I have ever met – and I have met a few). Nothing happened in the court record. That is the only record that matters in this issue. Further, the DA’s office couldn’t dismiss it on their own. It would have to be dismissed by the judge. Oh sure, the DA could go in and say that they are wanting to withdraw the charges, but the judge then has to say Hokey Dokey. Case dismissed. Of course they would also want you ideally to be in court for this moment. So where were you?

3. Why are you wasting your time going online with your long winded, sorry ass, and extremely confusing “defense” when you have an attorney who’s job is to go before the judge and the DA and make your defense. Not only are your numerous online postings meaningless, but your own attorney should be telling you to shut the hell up while he tries to figure out your defense. That is what you are paying him for.

4. No, you do not get to threaten everybody with putting them on the stand. Your attorney gets to figure out who to call as a witness. You don’t get to call anybody. Again, that is what you are paying him for. May I also warn you right now that you are getting close to “witness intimation,” and your own attorney will tell you that you need to add to the charges like he needs more idiots like you for clients.

5. Quit trying to skirt around the fugitive in flight issue. It doesn’t matter if you kept popping up online letting people know where you were and stuff. You skipped out on the charges and never came back. That is fugitive flight. No ifs, no ands, no buts. What do you call it. A vacation?

So you are on YouTube hustling for money? So far you have 32 viewers. Discounting some one like myself (who watched for the hope of some cheap laughs), you have had about maybe 15 real viewers tops? You need how much? Good luck with that, Charley. You come off in the video as too pathetic to be lame and too lame to be pathetic. But the nasal tone hacking and snorting sound effects combined with the poor quality slasher flick lighting design really makes this video a perverse must see.

Last thing: Do I have this straight. Your defense is that you were in Texas shacking up with a male hooker while some one unknown forged those checks and popped them into your bank account? Gee, what a fiend this person must be. Maybe it’s that bogus DA who kept telling you to save your drinking money and not worry about those silly charges?


And now it’s Where’s The Proof Larry?’s turn to weigh in…


4a1a88c89c4ef2cebbee6cbcd2479698.jpg WTPL avatarI was reviewing his affidavit along with the video above

As we’ve said many times before, this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the facts and circumstances in this case as I know them from the information he has provided. He won’t accept that. That’s a key part of his problem as a habitual offender – it’s always someone else’s fault. This happened in 2000-2001 – long before he can claim he had anything to do with politics. His innocence or guilt isn’t going to be determined by politics. It will be determined by a jury of his peers judging his innocence or guilt based upon the facts in this case – if it even gets that far.

I don’t care to go into the details of why but after my review this evening, he is in deep, deep shit. Anything can happen in a court case, but the odds of him prevailing on the original criminal charges seem slim to me.

Another thing that hit me reviewing his affidavit was the hypocrisy of him complaining to the court authorities about the threats of harm and death threats directed towards him and his family. Isn’t that what he’s done to us for six years? Meesh is still getting them on this blog. So just maybe, justice is about to be done on that count. I truly hope so. His claims about us doing that back to him are as facetious as his claims against past Deputy DA Jones. Some guy threatened him on Youtube but he had nothing to do with us.

My father nearly yanked me out of a private boys school when I was young for fighting. I absolutely couldn’t stand bullies. I was reflecting on that here some. I wasn’t big but I could take care of myself. I didn’t lose a fight.

One thing that troubled me about it was flirting with hypocrisy. I was in effect bullying the bully to get “my way”. And because it takes two to fight, it made it less clear within the school who was on the side of right – in spite of the fact that after my first fight, I made it crystal clear why I had fought and would continue to fight if the school didn’t do something about the bullying. To some extent, we have experienced that here. Mitch alluded to it on the M&N blog not long before they shut it down.

When you get down in the mud scrapping with a scumbag like Sinclair, you get dirty. There’s a long history and it’s not simple to explain – or I haven’t found a way to concisely explain it. It’s therefore, harder for folks on the outside to identify who is on the side of right.

A key thing I couldn’t stand about bullies was they would pick on guys who physically couldn’t fight back – ALWAYS. To some degree, we’ve seen that with Sinclair’s threats. The people he’s really gone hard after more frequently are the women: Sheila, Lynne, Meesh, etc. I have great disdain for him for that. It sunk in about a week ago during an email exchange with Sheila. She had to look after her grandson who was home with asthma and on another day take him or another of her grandchildren to a soccer game.

And so it bothers me that this heartless sick prick IS GOING AFTER A GRANDMOTHER! (again)

And just maybe that’s a part of what bothers him: that a bunch of housewives and grandmothers – NOT paid Obama bloggers like he’s claimed – stood up to his threats and intimidation on their own dime and kicked his sorry ass.

I’m so proud of you ladies. I really am


Oh Boy! SSDI is finally off the hook!


Larry Sinclair is wantedSinclair Book Will No Longer Be Sold By Us  April 24, 2014      By Ass-ministrator 

“As readers are aware the rights to the book Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? were put up for sale on April 15, 2014. The rights to the book have in fact been sold by Sinclair and will no longer be sold on this website nor will Sinclair be selling the book through Amazon Kindle any longer effective May 1, 2014. The book will be offered in its Kindle version by the company who the rights have been assigned to and will be offered in the printed version under the new owners rights. Sinclair will continue to work on getting his second book, When One Man Stands out as quickly as possible.”



That’s exciting news for SSDI


“Disability beneficiaries’ earnings limits: If you work while receiving disability benefits, you must tell us about your earnings no matter how little you earn.”



– change in earned and unearned income, including a change in wages or net earnings from self–employment, your spouse’s income if you are married and living together, and parents income if applying for a child;
– change in resources …
– eligibility for other benefits or payments
– an unsatisfied felony arrest warrant for escape from custody, flight to avoid prosecution or confinement, or flight-escape;
– improvement in your medical condition;
– when you start or stop work, or have a change in pay or hours worked;

Because with the $20,000 or whatever he got for the book (nothing close to $20,000 or he found a real sucker), SSDI will get some financial relief – they won’t need to pay him for a while!

Royalties and payment for copyright have little to no cost of goods sold. In SicLiar’s situation, it’s very close to pure income.

After paying SicLiar to write the book, will SSDI now also have to pay a lawyer to defend him from a crime he’s evaded since before he was disabled? Rhetorical question when SickLiar is involved and left to his own deceptive devices and irrationality.

Since he’s been doing FOIA requests to find out our identities so he can make good on all his threats, maybe I should do a FOIA request on the SSA to get the answer to that question. You know, “what goes around, comes around” … or “Karma’s a Hungry Bottomed bitch”.frog-tipping-hat



Sinclair posts his dense Defense:

Larry Sinclair off to JailTomorrow in my article When Politics Turn Facts into Fiction, and Fiction into Facts I will take you on a walk through my life from the summer of 1999 through the filing of the false report by the alleged victim in 2001 along with photos of all parties, and including the efforts by the alleged victim and her family to file previous knowingly false reports with Police just days before the Colorado report was filed…  Sadly my having to defend myself against yet another false report will bring out some very private and personal matters that will cause some to be embarrassed, but that’s what happens when you make someone defend against a false charge.” 

Larry Sinclair April 1st 2014

Dennis imagesWell it’s been two weeks since announcing his upcoming chilling revealing post, he’s finally got it done (I think)… it’s obvious that Lardo the lwayer has been hard at work cracking the case (of vodka) while formatting and reformatting a legal defense that  proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he knows the fastest route from Florida to Mexico. The first new post is back to selling his crappy original “book” (while also pitching the film rights?). Couple of funny things about this hot offer for the book.

The pitch is really unclear about what he is really wanting to sell since copyright for the book and film rights are two different things. Besides, if someone were stupid enough to buy the book’s copyright, then they would have the film rights, period. As for just buying the film rights, why bother?

Virtually everything in the book the big dumbass has already pumped into numerous so-called “news” sites through interviews and news stories written by other people. Every thin detail of his tale is covered in a wide and, because of it being forced out there as news stories, in a public manner that allows a filmmaker the ability to go right around him and the book. Nobody needs his stinkin’ film rights. Why buy the cow when you can get the foul sour milk for free?

One last point of irony about the film rights. As an event that he has worked hard at turning into a news item, he has little grounds for defending the film rights to his “book.” But, if he were to announce that it is all a WORK OF FICTION, he would be able to better defend his control over the film rights. Just a bit of FYI.

Then the post goes into another attack of former DA Jones and his “factually” false filings while providing absolutely no support for anything (and BTW Fatso, you did NOT win that lawsuit; the other guy basically blew it in the primarily hearing because he didn’t provide any support evidence – might want to take note of that “problem”). Then he rants a bit about the Delaware case claiming that it was dismissed for lack of evidence (no you idiot, it was dismissed because you paid the victim back his money). Without further ado  see the first post below:  

Rights to Controversial 2009 Book on Obama

Can Be Yours”  –  April 15, 2014 By ASS-ministrator

“In June 2009 the book Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? was published and released. In September 2009 the Amazon Kindle version of the book was released and in January 2010 the Paperback version of the book was released. Despite the intentional and deliberately published false claims that the author Larry Sinclair had failed two polygraph tests (in 2011 video filed in a $30 Million Defamation suit Parisi et al v Sinclair et al showed the world that Sinclair according to the computer had in fact passed the polygraph despite Ed I. Gelb’s biased report stating it showed deception) and despite having to defend against a $30 million defamation suit brought in the US District Court in the District of Columbia (Sinclair prevailed in said suit) the book is still available through limited outlets and still peeks the interest of many who have yet to become aware of the book.

Almost 5 years later the Amazon Kindle version still consistently ranks in the Kindle paid categories. 🙄

Today it is announced that the complete and exclusive publication, distribution, and any and all future film or television rights to the book can belong to you. Despite Sinclair’s repeatedly prevailing over every possible effort to discredit him or attack him for the past 6 plus years, he was recently hit with yet another long attempted effort to sideline him when he was arrested on March 20, 2014 at his home in Holly Hill, Florida on a Colorado warrant which Sinclair had repeatedly been told was going to be dismissed. The Real Story On 13 Year Old Colorado Warrant A former Deputy District Attorney by the name of Stephen A. Jones (Jones is reported to have engaged in the online attacks of Sinclair and working with those responsible for the anti-Sinclair websites since late 2008 when the Colorado matter was turned into a political football) who was the subject of a Colorado Opens Record Act and Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act request dated December 1, 2012 and faxed to the Pueblo County District Attorneys Office on December 3, 2012, retaliated against Sinclair for filing the FOIA requests by filing before Pueblo District Court Judge Jill Mattoon on December 11, 2012 a knowingly factually false motion seeking to have the 2001 Colorado Warrant reissued with a “nationwide extradition” jurisdiction. Former Pueblo Deputy DA Stephen A. Jones Takes Parting Shot Sinclair contrary to the many internet posted claims has not run from the Colorado matter but in fact had been working from the moment he became aware of the matter to have it dismissed. According to information obtained from Colorado officials, Gus Sandstrom, District Attorney at the time the warrant was obtained had agreed to reduce the bond amount to $5000 early on but that information was never forwarded to Sinclair or anyone else. In 2004 Sinclair himself filed a motion with the Pueblo District Court seeking to have the warrant dismissed. At that time the Pueblo County District Attorney’s Office was provided with irrefutable evidence showing the alleged victim Carmen Segura had in fact given out right false statements to Police and investigators from the start on Feb 15, 2001. Since the March 20, 2014 arrest Sinclair has posted the $15,000 bond and few to Colorado on March 23, 2014 and appeared before a District Court Judge on March 24, 2014. Sinclair will return to Colorado on April 28, 2014 either with retained counsel or to inform the Judge that despite his best efforts he has been unable to retain private counsel as of that date. In June 2008 Sinclair at the hands of internet warriors who hide behind screen names and anonymous proxy servers was arrested in Washington, DC on a non-exsistant fugitive from justice warrant out of Delaware. Sinclair spent 10 days sitting in the Metro DC jail before being taken to Delaware where he was released on the promise to appear in court. At that time Delaware AG Beau Biden had knowingly sought a sealed Grand Jury indictment on a charge accusing Sinclair of theft despite having full knowledge no theft had ever occurred. Sinclair prevailed in that case when he refused to accept a plea agreement offering him a misdemeanor and one year probation and instead insisted it proceed to trial which was scheduled for 9-11-2008. Three days into the 2008 Democratic Convention the Delaware matter was dismissed for “lack of evidence” but not before Sinclair and his supporters had to cough up more than $15,000 in attorney fees and travel expenses. Now more than 6 years later Sinclair is facing yet another false accusation lodged in 2001 and kept alive by politics and he will defend against these as he has always vowed to do. In an effort to raise the money needed to pay Attorney retainer and fees Sinclair is offering up the complete Copyright and all exclusive rights of publication, distribution, etc for sale. The buyer can choose to take it out of publication; pitch it as a future film or TV movie or put it into widespread distribution or whatever he/she chooses to do with it. The asking price for the Copyright on this book is $20,000.00 Interested buyers email for more information and/or to arrange to purchase these rights.

_border DENNIS THE MENACE 1Then there’s the second post, the magical one that is suppose to explain why he is innocent in the Colorado case. It’s long and winding and really a dumb ass piece in which he inadvertently confirms that he was spending time driving all over America drug running. Lots of bull crud talk about how everybody at some dive bar loved and respected him for his manly qualities. Seemed to have been spending his time hanging around lots of two-bit low-life criminal types (all of whom were really great folks who would give you the stolen shirt off their back if they were not so busy with the drug dealing and the human trafficking, you know). What is his “defense?” Damn if I know. There is no defense. Actually, it sounds as if the DA has missed some charges. The whole thing makes no blasted sense. First he belly aches about how those horrible online stalkers make him sound like a no good dirty dog and then he waxes nostalgic about his life as a scum sucking no good dirty dog. Not only does this nitwit need a lawyer but he needs a lawyer who can tell him to shut his pie hole before they throw the book at him.

(UPDATE: “Page Not Found The page you requested could not be found. – See more at:;

I assume that once the vodka ran out Sinclair realized that he was writing a confession, not a defense. Guess he was having trouble remembering which was which from his lwa school days. z60s6As suspected, since posted, this post can no longer be viewed in its entirety , that’s okay we have saved it below for your viewing pleasure. You’re welcome Turd Brain! animated_arrow_red


“When Politics Turn Facts into Fiction, and Fiction into Facts” April 15, 2014  By Lawrence Sinclair

It's always about the money Larry SinclairIt is sad, but a simple fact of our society today is that when there is a political benefit for someone or a group, politics has a way of turning basic facts into fiction and fiction into facts. That is exactly what has happened in the matter of a 2001 arrest warrant issued in Pueblo Colorado against me. Since making the allegations against ten candidate Barack Obama in January 2008 politics has turned the facts of this matter into fiction and politically motivated fiction into what they want to be facts. Almost four years to the day these so called “law abiding citizens” who have engaged in hacking; internet threats, intimidation and filing of false reports (in order to keep their names from being released under the Colorado Open Records Act) so they could obtain official records without being identified, simply for the purpose of editing and distorting them, former Pueblo Colorado Deputy District Attorney Stephen A. Jones did what many have been doing since 2008, he filed a factually false Motion before Pueblo District Court Judge Jill Mattoon (a former Pueblo Deputy DA herself) in order to make a Colorado only warrant a nationwide one. See Former Pueblo Deputy DA Stephen A. Jones Takes Parting Shot – and The Real Story On 13 Year Old Colorado WarrantBecause the so called facts as presented by those who have tried to use this matter to misrepresent me and others, have been posted on countless internet sites and even jumped on the misrepresentation bandwagon in 2008, I have decided to take readers on a journey starting in the spring of 1999 and ending with the filing of an affidavit for an arrest warrant in May 2001.The journey begins when I rented a duplex located at 1320 1/2 E. 4th Street in Pueblo, Colorado from one Darrell Chapman. Shortly after renting this residence I had the unfinished basement carpeted, drywalled and electrical installed as a bedroom for my best friend and room-mate Ramon Caraveo (that’s Ramon with his nephew left) Ramon & I met in the fall of 1998. My neighbors at 1320 E 4th St were a group of guys who lived and worked in Pueblo (most of whom were not in the US legally) and we got along very well. This house at one time was one unit and while the ground levels had been separated, the two were still connected by way of an opening in the basement which had simply been blocked off with a sheet of plywood. As time passed one of the guys living next door, Juan Gutierriz (or Munoz, or Gonzales or Martinez which ever he chose to use at the moment) had issues and was looking for another place to stay, we (me & Ramon) had already gotten to know him and I told Ramon that if he wanted we could let Juan move in and he could share the basement with Ramon. Juan moved in with Ramon & I.Ramon was a truly loyal friend and he was someone you could trust with your life. You will see what I mean as we get to Feb 2000. Ramon’s family used to tease us by saying that if I were a woman Ramon would have the perfect wife. We enjoyed the same music, we both loved boxing though we may not have agreed oo who was the better boxer, we enjoyed going to a Pueblo night club called Jalapeno’s and we enjoyed the fights that would break out inside the club and outside after closing. One night while at Jalapeno’s one guy tried to get in Ramon’s face over the girl he was with and I stepped in letting the idiot know he would have to go through me if he wanted to get to Ramon. Funny how everyone in the bar that night couldn’t wait til closing to jump the guy because he backed down from my challenge. Make no mistake folks, Jalapeno’s was the Mexican bar to be at and it was all about the macho machismo every night. I was known as the only garvocho or gringo to ever go in there on a regular basis and the fact that I was an openly gay or Joto gringo wasn’t lost on many. But I had the respect of most every regular that ever frequented Jalapeno’s.Shortly after Ramon and I first met I was introduced to his mother who used the name MaryLu Domingez after having been on the run from Arizona authorities after a car accident revealed she was hauling large amounts of marijuana and cocaine. It was not secret to any of Ramon’s family what his mother did for a living. His mother made the hard decision to let Ramon grow up with his father and Aunt (his fathers sister) Maria Alvarez in the small farming community in southern Colorado off Colorado 159 south of San Luis and just a couple of miles north of the Colorado/New Mexico line. Ramon was sheltered and when he went off to Pueblo to go to USC, his Aunt and Grandparents had done little to prepare him for what he needed to know to simply establish phone service and electric service. Ramon was quickly used by his cousins after he moved to Pueblo and because of those cousins Ramon was sued and had a judgment entered against him for having broken a lease that both he and his cousin were named on. Though the cousin and Aunt both refused to pay the cousins share, it was me who got the judgment removed and settled with the apartment complex to clear Ramon’s name. In early 1999 Ramon’s mother asked if would drive something out to her nephew in Greensboro, NC and she would pay me $4000.00 plus expenses. That was my introduction into the smuggling business and I learned real fast that $4000 was chump change for what I had been asked to do. See MaryLu was doing a brisk business in bring marijuana up to Colorado where she would get $4-500.00 per pound, but that was nothing compared to the $1600-$2000 per pound I could get for it in SC.In May 1999 MaryLu was having problems with her suppliers in Mexico because she had not paid them a whole lot of money that she owed them. In fact MaryLu had come to Pueblo and stayed with Ramon and I at the E. 4th St house in April 1999 and asked me to go with her to a customers house down the street from me who owed in excess of $50,000 but had claimed the merchandise was confiscated in a Police raid that resulted in the arrest of one son.”


Professor DennisBefore we are hit by the impending deluge of horse manure, one quick note. Turd Brain keeps using the phrase “factually false.” Odd choice of phrase. In legal terms, the phrase factually false is used in regards to: “Sham pleading means an obviously frivolous or absurd pleading that is made only for purposes of vexation or delay. It is a written pleading that is factually false, not made in good faith, and that may be struck. It is entered for the mere purpose of delay and of a matter which the pleader knows to be false.”

In other words, it is a defense tactic used solely for the purpose of jerking everybody around. It would not be used (now or ever) by a DA in filing charges (especially since charges are based on evidence, not pleads or accusations). Instead, it would be used by the person who has been charged as part of their attempt to deflect issues, confuse points, and generally stall the case for as long as possible. So I guess that Fat Boy is once again revealing his hand by accusing the other side of doing what he is actually doing. Obviously, we have already seen his “defense.” They better warm up the cell. It is going to be a long stay this time.

Now for the rating of these two fine posts….

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein
