The Regulator Too

Welcome to our strange and wonderful place!

Rack ’em up, another fail!

Oh my! Here is the current statement at GoFundMe by the Master of Fail unicorn wrangler :

Larry Sinclair many fails 7363823_o” You will notice that donations are no longer being accepted on this campaign…I have discontinued this GoFundMe drive as it is clear that the drive will not reach the goal set for it in the time that I wanted it to happen.As I published in an article recently on this very subject, I am perfectly okay with the campaign not reaching its intended goal. The $500 offline contribution toward this goal has been returned to the donor. The book will still be available upon is nationwide release for ordering at that time.In an effort to make the upcoming release of the new book When One Man Stands a success it is our desire to raise the funds necessary to have a minimum of 10,000 Hardback copies of the book printed and available on the day of release to the general public.”

dennis_the_menace_incredibleSurprise! Surprise! In other words, the fund drive has been a complete failure. Nothing he has said over the past several years make a lick of sense and is just a load of gibberish to fool the suckers.He is returning the $500 because…well, under the rules of GoFundMe he doesn’t have to do that but if the offline donation was simply bull, then it doesn’t matter. Likewise, he seems to be closing it early (unless there actually was some other “issue” going on behind the scene).

So now we wait for GoFundMe Scampaign number 4. Maybe he will have a brain tumor again. Medical fund drives are always popular. Since  this current GoFundMe scampaign has crashed and burned, Fat Boy will have to fall back on the old saying: “When the going get tough, the tough blames us.” Yes, I have no doubt that once again we have used our evil mental powers learned from our Sith Lord and have created havoc on his noble quest. Odd thing. We are basically his only readers yet he treats us like dirt…He will have a very easy time blaming us. After all, we are evil. Everything we do is evil. Our thoughts are all evil. We shoot evil rays at him. When he looks in the mirror, he sees our evil grinning face glaring back at him. We are so evil that he can think of nothing else but our evilness.

So yeah, it is all our fault. I mean it couldn’t be that he is a stupid jackass who went out and made every boneheaded mistake possible in crowdfunding or anything like that…nooooo. It’s those evil regulator folks. Bah ha ha ha…and Lardo, while you continue to wallow in the numerous failures of trying to fleece money out of the same five or six people, remember that we (and I guess just we alone) still think of you. You will always have a place over here, Fat Boy. Love and Kisses from a fan.


We’re waiting!

denis_la_malice15.jpg DennisQuick note from a fan:

OK Fat Boy. I think I see your problem. Web site design isn’t exactly your thing. It is very complex, especially when you have to follow those easy-to-use instructions that come with the user friendly templates provided by the site and intended for complete digital idiots as a fool proof approach (widely used by children and old people). It is very, very hard for someone as “special” as you. No wonder you have gotten all sore and have started calling us “idiots.” I feel your pain….OK, not really but I’m just trying to be nice.

Especially since you are probably a little down at the moment. It’s a shame you had to lose your news site.  Over here, we luved the snooze site. Why, that exciting 40+ photo essay you did on a minor car accident down the street from your apartment was simply breath taking. It was almost as exciting as your thrilling accounts of the one-man crime wave you use to run in Colorado. You know, the multi-part and extremely convoluted attack piece about the evil Carmen Segura, the main witness against you in that little legal misunderstanding. It was simply stunning how you took a minor drug operation and turned it into an inter-state smuggling ring. And you even managed to slip it all right past your parole officer.

But let’s face it, your so-called news site was a complete disaster. You had no readers, you had no donors, you had no real advertising, you had nothing. That site was so lackluster that even you had a hard time working up enough steam to post anything for weeks on end. It must have been hell over there. Only Ilse had the balls to post her biweekly rant like clockwork (at least until even she gave up on you).

Obviously, it is going to be hard to capture the old magic of your salad days back in the first half of 2008. Yep, those days were swell. All you had to do was make up some whoppers about that guy from Illinois and then tell people how you were almost dead from your “brain tumor” and gosh golly gee whiz, you need money to carry on the good fight – though I seem to recall that you had phrased the pitch in such a manner that you simply said you wanted money, you didn’t actually say for what. But man oh man, the suckers sent you the dough. Those were easy pickings.

Then it started to taper off. Ironically, you were still alive and you were still producing absolutely no proof of anything and some folks – including some of your own original supporters – started asking way too many questions and you had to carefully answer them with a resounding “Fuck off!” Oh sure, that murder thing gave you a brief boast on the donation line. Good thing that nutty interview person mentioned the case to you since you had obviously never heard of Donald Young until that moment and that crazy stunt gave you a brief but vital second breath at the scam line.

But its over. Most of the suckers have drifted off. The money is pretty much gone thanks to your booze and “fun” habits. Besides, the Obama years are coming to their final stretch and the wing nutter universe is shifting its attack engines toward other people and you are pretty much left high and dry (and no, I don’t think you had a night of wild sex and drugs with Hillary – Ric Perry on the other hand….). You have become a one-trick johnny and the circus is over and the clowns have moved on to other shows.

I understand that you are trying to “reinvent” yourself. You really suck at it but I can see the reasons for some crucial re-branding. So now you are Lawrence W. SinkLiar, author. BTW, you do know that as an author you are suppose to be writing stuff. I mean really writing stuff. Not the kind of stupid crappy little nasty blog and social media posts that you do. Nor something like that cut-n-paste so-called book (that you also still own – why are you even going around claiming you sold the copyright when it is so obvious that you haven’t done anything of the sort? – weird, just weird).

As for the second book, come on. Who the hell wants to read your bullshit story about your bogus suicide attempt (and shameless but failed effort at panhandling for “funeral” money – BTW, you really need to be dead first before anyone can try soliciting for that – just FYI). Or about your wacko doddle stay at a nut house in West Virgina. Nobody gives a damn, you idiot. Who do you think you are, Princess Di or something. Nobody cares!

So now you are busy setting up a bunch of new social media accounts. Guess you have heard how the use of social media works magic in the financial and commercial realm. But in truth, it doesn’t. Not the way you are doing it. All you got is a mess of nothing and nothing is all that you will be getting out of it. I don’t know who you have been talking to about social media (though I have a strong suspicion and I am sure that he is as good as a web consultant as he is as an attorney), but you seem to have gotten some lousy advise and you are doing it all wrong.

Which is OK. You are finished. The game is over. Not only are you beating a dead horse, but the body has already been taken away to the glue factory. You got to move on to a new racket, you moron. It is quite simply OVER!

You once asked “Is Larry Sinclair Still Relevant?” That’s an easy one. No! Heck man, even your fellow wing nutters don’t pay you any attention. You are more out dated that a damn Nehru jacket with love beads. You have become more forgettable than last night’s fart in a rain. Why heck, we can spend days over here coming up with all the ways you are irrelevant. To be honest, it’s kind of a fun break from real work.

But you are done. Kaput. Finished. Over and out.

….Oh and there’s a “welcome video” too… scratching my head, welcome to what? 🙄

Huh?  Now claims he has over 14 million readers…. Larry Sickcliar said on August 18th 2014–>”Six plus years at barely 50000 compared to more than 8 million visits. Who is the epic failure again?”

Magically POS added about 6 million more views since yesterday. Should have over a billion by tomorrow, I suspect. Vodka must really be kicking in tonight. YouTube viewer count is now up to 3 (counting me). We are the only people looking at this damn thing.

The stupid bastard should thank us for our “support” but nooooo. Oh well. His equally stupid GoFuckMe campaign is still at $00.00. Good thing he made a dollar fifty off his web site (well, the amount Harry paid is strictly chump change). He still can’t get his new web site running for reasons that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. He still hasn’t produced a book. Despite his wild and crazy method of counting (you see Fat Boy, we use the available mainstream systems for these counts – not the bats you have flying around in your head), he has NO READERS.

But what do I know, according to POS  I’m just hanging around with a bunch of losers who are merely lucky to get the occasional back swipe from the master’s hand.

Oh boy, the new web site has a new sign:

0003.gif DynamiteAugust 19.2014

“Site is Under Maintenance:

We are having to reinstall all site template code. Forgive us while we work out a few of the kinks in the new site.“

OK, can somebody tell me how you screw up this one?


SinkLiar’s new site?


“Sinclair News.Net|Uncensored & Unafraid” New look.

Coming August 12, 2014

The New will debut on August 12, 2014

at 12Noon ET

So it should be ready by Labor Day. And the big design question remains: Where will they be sticking the big red donation button?

What is obvious so far.
1. Yep, he is hitting the books. Of course, the first one is way past its expiration date and I haven’t a clue how he thinks he is going to push this dead sucker. As for the second, how many years has he spent “reformatting” this thing. Presumably he is cutting and pasting this baby even as I write this.
2. Fatso is pushing his new “image.” He is now Lawrence W. SinkLiar. Maybe he will start wearing glasses. Will save the cheap flip flops for his more private moments. He is now an author.
3. Ken Olsen is simply a partner in whatever this new scam is about. Obviously, Kenny boy never bought the copyright to the book (it still belongs to Lardo). He never bought the web site (all of the URLs, past and present, belongs to Lardo – BTW, all of the URLs are still listed as basically active, he simply has been linking them all to the news site and now he is delinking them while focusing back to the URL – he flips these babies like a 3 card monte pro working a street corner). Olsen is his buddy, his partner, his BFF. I can’t wait until this deal blows up in Kenny’s stupid racist face.
4. It would appear that he has dumped Ilse. Oh where has love gone….?

Pondering10DennisTheMenace_thumb[3]Why is he doing all of this? I assume he is hoping to milk the last possible dregs out of the first book (though I strongly suspect that he is way too late for this market). He may also he trying to reposition himself for the post-Obama age (though he may have to get ready to cook back a juicy tale about his wild night of sex and drugs with Hillary). He may be trying to hide from something, though hiding online is kind of impossible – though the numerous lies and bullshit stories he has peddled about these moves sure sounds like somebody on the run.

For example, if the DA back in Colorado were looking for something on the old snooze site, they will either have it already or know where to go to find it (hint: We are a bit of an archive devoted to this bum). You see, nothing ever really vanishes from the web.

But mostly, he is a desperate and cash-strapped idiot who has no real skills and is basically stuck with this same scam and if he can’t get it jumped started some how then its back to the bogus money order routine. And according to his arrest record, he really sucked at that racket.

So it would appear that Lardo got SpoonHead to pay him (Lardo) money in order for Spoonhead to completely redesign the Snooze site for Lardo’s betterment (while Spoonhead might think he owns the damn thing but every shred of evidence says otherwise). So Olsen really is a total idiot. Why didn’t we shake him down for dough? It seems to be easy. And by the way, how long does it take for that nitwit/racist Olsen to realize that he is being fleeced. Though to be honest, I hope POS cleans Olsen out thoroughly.<—They are surely depriving some village of its idiot.

“You Go Girl! Knock ’em dead!” Kenneth Olsen, so far you win the “LardTard Award”.
