The Regulator Too

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Meet Sinclair News.Net part deux

on July 29, 2012

Every time I view this video I Laugh, Laugh, Laugh! Anyway, where Larry Sinclair seems to want to bury this video, I want to constantly bring it up. Why? Because this will be his claim of fame,  just like this video, a Failure! Talk about a first impression eh?! At first, I wondered whatever possessed this character  to do this. He obviously was not credible, he was not prepared and he had absolutely no proof to support his allegations.

I don’t know, but the next video makes far more sense to me…

After viewing the first video, you must keep in mind these recent  quotes:

“Bryant is completely nuts over the fact that Sinclair has by dedication and tenacity become one of the most read self made journalist in the US.”

– Lawrence W. Sinclair 6-26-2012 –

And this  one too!

“We further feel that what makes Bryant go off the rails is the fact that the self-made journalist, Sinclair has, by dedication and tenacity, become one of the most read journalists in the nation .”

–  Lawrence W. Sinclair 6-26-2012

HA! Rich! Larry is  referring to  his copy/paste “SNOOZE site” Sinclair News.Net | Uncensored & Unafraid ! Larry always says it’s not about the money. Well when you go to LS SNOOZE site it’s littered with various PAYPAL links! He has some custom-made, now that’s classy!

Your Donations Keep Us Operating

“Become One of 500 Through The Mirror Annual Subscribers @ $24 per Year.Join Us In Keeping Through The Mirror Radio on the air and committed to telling it like it is. Click on the image below and become a supporter of TTM Radio Today.”

Hmm 500 x $24, not bad eh?! Nahh forget it – pure BS!

And this one too!

“Sinclair News Needs Your Help”




This is a first glance of the LS Snooze site. Nope it’s not about the money! There’s constantly appeals for money, for example here’s one and also for more updated equipment, each posts with an added  PayPal link, this page has two other links. Why does LS News Group need money to run this so called news website? Is it just another scam? With all of Larry Sinclair’s websites, and there have been many of them. there has been one common denominator, a very active PayPal . One pet project after another to raise money, the benefactor has always been Larry Sinclair.

In the past, there has been so many fundraisers; just to name a few there was a DC legal case fund that was established, (for a defamation lawsuit against three bloggers)  a banana nut bread sale,  pre-election tours throughout the USA states , which he called “Taking It To The Streets Tour”  that accomplished nothing, perhaps a vacation for Sinclair. More vacations in 2008, two first class trips to Washington DC. The most costly of the two, were funds raised to hold this very prestigious news conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Numerous  appeals for various publishing equipment for his “tell all” book, etc. Advance sales for a non-book that was due and that was constantly delayed, many cockamamie ideas for book promotion tours, you name it.

Always something on the go, clearing up some of his personal issues. There was a 1987 Warrant  out of Pasco County Florida that Sinclair simply forgot all about, in part this is what he posted : “I am letting all of you know right now that I have informed the State Attorney’s Office I will try to get $925.00 to them as I do not have that kind of money but that it is the only way to clear this as I cannot afford to travel to Florida to handle this through a court case either.”  A twenty-two year old issue was his problem, regardless PayPal contributions came to the rescue.

He  has constantly played the victim, in order to receive monetary gain. For example this particular time it was because he claimed he was about  to lose everything. Of course he contacted his accomplice  friend  CitizenWells who posted on his website Larry’s latest dilemma. Wells also posted a Youtube video, where  he inserted part of a video that Larry had previously posted. Sinclair  was very  convincing this was January of 2010 . Paypal funds were flowing once again. Well, he did not  lose anything, his Social Security had not been revoked. Does Sinclair ever refund the donations, in these instances, it’s very doubtful, he possesses this sense of entitlement.

Below, another parody video that someone made when Larry Sinclair announced his decision to toss his hat in the ring and run for 2010 Congress in Florida’s 24th District. Sinclair stated: “It is time that the people are represented by the people and not individuals who have made millions from Public Office.” He said he was  living on disability payments of $700/month and was  therefore better suited for Congress than Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, “who has a net worth of $10+Mil dollars.” PAYPAL was in full swing. He made promises via  YouTube and Facebook … Did he go out  and go door to door to get signatures, as promised?  He did as he always has done in the past – the easy way out. He contacted his good friend Citizenwells who composed this post :

“I spoke to Larry Sinclair last night. He reminded me that the deadline for his receiving contributions for the Florida district 24 congressional election filing fee is April 19, 2010. He also wanted everyone to know that without the filing fee, there will be no running for Congress in November. Larry is receiving coverage from some of the big MSM players now. If you cannot contribute, help spread the word. There is strength in numbers.
Larry Sinclair has done as much as anyone to expose the truth about Barack Obama. He has been doing so for well over 2 years. His continued presence in the Florida congressional race will bring even more attention to Obama’s past. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine Larry Sinclair in Congress. All of you who want Obama impeached. Sinclair will do what he says. Larry will do everything in his power to get Obama removed from office. Contributing a few dollars seems like a small price to pay for this. Larry has paid the ultimate price. To help Larry Sinclair and this country, donate here.”

Why  should Sinclair depend on others to ask for contributions for his campaign, what was he doing, except collecting  money? At the time,  Larry had already collected quite a bit of money prior to this newest plea, what happened to it?  From the very beginning we knew it was just another scam.  h/t badpoet.

As we suspected, Sinclair  ran out of steam and decided not to run for Congress  due to lack of funds, but strange in that previous link it states:“To get on the ballot, Larry Sinclair must raise sufficient funds or get enough petition signers.” What happened to all of his promises, the money that he had previously collected? Keep contributing, as he keeps saying it’s not about the money! Shortly after his decision to drop out of politics, he started displaying many photos on his Facebook of living the very good life. Para-sailing, jet-skying, landscaping projects,refurnishing/ redecorating his trailer, entertaining, wining and dining friends, luaus, boat trip. Well we know of the many trips to DC, Virginia, Pennsylvania etc. on a $700/month disability? Nope my guess, it’s on somebody else’s dime, fortunately it’s not my money. I cannot believe how gullible people can be. P.T. Barnum said it best:“There’s a sucker born every minute.”” Sinclair depends on this, he never delivers, he always looks for an easy way out, it’s PAYPAL and that’s a fact!

It’s all about the money.

143 responses to “Meet Sinclair News.Net part deux

  1. gilligan25 says:

    Not only that, but his buddy Ilsa’s drivel has headlines that appear to be from the list of “1000 Worst Cliches in the English Language.”

    And most read? Another great moment in self-delusion.

  2. kstreet607 says:

    Great post as usual Meesh!

    So let me get this straight Gilligan, Ilsa, Sinclair and the TSA commotion kid are the only “journalists” over there? And all three seem batshit crazy so no wonder The “LS Snooze” site had a massive hemorrhagic hissy fit over “Bryant” et al. No reputable one of the most read self made journalist in the US.” journalist would post people’s home locations on his site with a link. He crossed the last 2 numbers out but if you click the hyperlink with my name, the entire address comes up. Not professional of “Contributor” to say the least.

    • gilligan25 says:

      Larrd’s not a reprorter or a journalist. He alternates between ripping off someone else’s work and slapping his name on it, stories All About Him and his insane rage-filled Enemies List.

      Isla writes high school essays from an ultra right wing perspective and selects from her list of cliches for a title.

      The TSA kid really wanted to be a public address announcer for the Chicago Cubs (his audition tape was, at best, pedestrian, more suited for a small high school basketball game), and when he couldn’t do that, he turned to some fringe of the fringe truther shit and decides to tape the TSA inside a train terminal. BFD. And like Larrd’s reprorter mode, once again, it’s all about him, trying and failing to be a combo of James O’Keefe and Breitbart. Yawn. Both he and Larrd are driven by their narcissism, short on talent and derivative.
      Of course, Larrd posts the articles two or three times to pad out his wafer-thin content, then fills in the space with press releases from Gov. Rick Scott’s PR machine.
      The only thing FatBoy has going for him is Boring.

  3. Dennis says:

    Somehow the “most read journalist” is running a tad short. His crap news site is currently ranking at Alexis at 34,889 (US); 127,481 (Global). By comparison, the nutters over at WorldNetDaily ranks 355 (US); 1,841 (Global). Likewise, Breitbart’s site is 458 (US); 1,825 (Global). Heck. he’s even running way behind his pal Jeff Rense whose site garners: 2,713 (US); 8,199 (Global).

    So Fat’s has some work to do in order to rig the count or something. In the battle of the right wing sites, he’s not even on the list. However, he is way ahead of Citizen Wells: 133,734 (US); 560,209 (Global). Compared to that nut job, Turb Brain is a major success.

  4. kstreet607 says:

    Thanks guys. Great stuff for SW!

  5. Dennis says:

    Fat Boy is “defending truth, justice and the American way?” I thought that was Superman’s gig. Turd Brain will steal from anybody.

  6. Borat says:

    Wanted Criminal ….Waddle Waddle …Fart..Scam …waddle waddle, Whine …fart..Waddle waddle

  7. Meesh says:

    At the very top, it’s no longer Upcoming articles…. back to PayPal for “Through the MIRE and sludge” radio show, he has 500 listeners yeh right!

    But here below are the earth shattering coming posts! Last night he did put up the last one: “Obama Campaign Uses Gay Campaign Staffers Death For Political Purposes’ and it came down for some reason…it was crappy anyways.

    Upcoming Articles & Interviews

    1. Romney defeats Obama?

    2. Conservatives Not The Ones Passing Judgment

    3. Why Marco Rubio Is Not The Right Romney VP Choice

    4. Obama Campaign Uses Gay Campaign Staffers Death For Political Purposes

    Subscribe to Sinclair News.Net Don’t miss it – Subscribe by RSS.

  8. kstreet607 says:

    Got a surprise visit from Jayautwitch yesterday:

    ChanNem, on July 29, 2012 at 7:44 AM said:

    Keep repeating his inconsistencies Sheila:
    1/ When he says he became aware of the Young murder vs. when he was actually exposed to the story by Cao;

    2/ One moment hoping someone out there might have a similar experience and come forward vs. the next suddenly recalling a conversation with a man from the campaign who said he and Obama were lovers (hardly someone Sinclair would have ‘forgotten’ eh?).

    3/ Sinclair claiming in one interview that only the Obama campaign was aware of his allegations prior to January 2008 vs. claiming elsewhere that he had approached both the DNC and MSNBC in the fall of 2007.

    I reckon he would hate having the above republished more than anything.
    Hope you are well. I’m loving this ‘Mitt the Twit’ business,
    xoxoxo (jayautwitch)

    • Meesh says:

      Ha! Watch Larry, take a hissy-fit because jayautwitch is around. Now we only need Mitch hahahahaha

      Yes, on CAO’s blogtalk radio she fed Sinclair with the information of the murdered Church member of Trinity Church in Chicago (where at the time Senator Barack Obama was also a member) CAO is of course from Chicago. The following week, we see the first comment about Donald Young….on this thread: on his original site HERE

      HERE`S THE COMMENT setting up the stage.
      March 10, 2008 at 3:47 pm

      Truth says:

      This is definitely a threat. Please report it to t he FBI. Donald Young was murdered. You can’t accomplish your goal if you don’t put yourself first. We appreciate what you are doing for us and we are with you, but you must protect yourself. I feel you. You are committed to this regardless, at all cost. You have more of Dr MLK’s spirit in your little finger than Obama has in his entire body. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf. I’m sending your attorney a donation.

      GEE WHIZ! Already donating to a DC Legal Fund, with a brand new lawyer, because of Donald Young/murder! But wait a minute, looking closer “TRUTH`s” ip matches up to be MOMA. Yes many forms of “TRUTH” was in fact Mary Ella Grasmick Sinclair`s many sockpuppets. Like Sinclair’s obsession with “respect”, Moma’s is “truth”.
      Don’t you love the way these two operate?!

      Anyway, the same night March 10, 2008 at 11 PM CT, 12 MIDNIGHT ET: Sinclair called “a bombshell”, Larry mentions, on the Jeff Rense Show, a ‘Paul Young’ and says he did have contact with him. He then corrects himself and says it was Donald Young and that it was his understanding that Young was gay.This occurred in Fall of 2007 and Donald Young had in fact been murdered in December of 2007. HERE`S RENSE INTERVIEW

      At this point many of his VERY close supporters (the inner circle) were disturbed by this, because this was the first time they heard about it.

      Only until March 15th 2008 did Larry start posting about Donald Young! THE FIRST DONALD YOUNG POST HERE Makes you want to go Hmmm

      • Dennis says:

        Also keep in mind that the Donald Young story from Fat Boy came at a very interesting moment. Early in 2008, Tub Bucket was having a good run with the donation crap. But any story is only good for so many free dollars and the donations were starting to drop. I remember thinking at the time that this scam had just about run its course – unless the jackass could find some new way to crank it up with a wild addition. There were some hints that Turd Boy was putting out feelers for what might juice the PayPal account, but nothing seemed to work. And then, it was a miracle. He just remembered his “phone calls” from Paul or Dick or whatever Young. Yeah, that’s the hot new scoop….

      • kstreet607 says:

        Meesh this is absolute friggin’ AWESOME!

      • ChanNem says:

        Lol Meesh. Apart from very much earlier on in the piece, Larry did his best to pretend I did not exist. He tic tacked himself shortly after I resurfaced last time.

  9. Meesh says:


    You just have to go to the posts of March 2008 Larry Sinclair was a busy little beaver. He virtually struck the mother lode. We have the advantage due to Citizen Wells, we have a quicker access to do a quick search, and of course this site is still up :). Read in the comments as well, this was prior Sibley telling him to keep his big yap shut.

    I absolutely love this one!

    LegalLady says:
    March 29, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    Hmmm…that is so sad that you have your witness, (Obama told him what happened)…but he is dead. Larry…I dunno. I have always had empathy for you and your plight, but thats a bit too convenient NOT to have been mentioned in your early stages of this “campaign” of yours. Sorry. 😦

    ADDED BY LARRY: My witness is not dead, but someone whom I have never met is, and why? Because of your candidate. It is interesting you seem to know what has or has not been addressed to those who it is supposed to be addressed to. But you continue to pick and piece like Obama huh? Whatever tickles your tongue legal lady or man or whatever and whoever you are. Unlike you and your repeated attempts to tell me what I do or do not know, I will back mine up. And you my dear? Have a nice evening and weekend, now if you will excuse me, I am about to eat a fruit salad I made, strawberries, kiwi, peaches, bananas, white grapes, black plum. LS

    Mitch made a picture of the fruit salad reference, remember?

  10. kstreet607 says:

    So, as a few people have pointed out in the past, Sinclair was as opportunistic as ever when the Rev. Wright story broke and the Donald Young story melded together. He’s done that in more recent times as well…as have Mr. Wells and others. It must be a right-wing tried and true method to take advantage of the news spikes on the issue and ride with the tide.

  11. YankeeClipper says:

    Hi kids!

    Once upon a time one of the Regulators could go on line somewhere and find out how many people were listening to internet programs like Dense’s and Ed Hale’s. Is that still a possibility?

    • Meesh says:

      I think if the listeners were also in the Chat Rooms, (not sure) that’s when you can identify how many peeps are there. Personally, you know what? I have never been in a chat room. If I listen in, I just have access through my Window’s Media Centre. Maybe TJTaygee could answer that question better than I could.

  12. Meesh says:

    There we go Cao posted this on her blog, as well as she discussed it on her BLOGTALK radio show!She posted this on Larry’s original site:

    Cao says

    Submitted on 2008/03/29 at 8:35 pm

    Hey Larry, keep up the good work. I had an awful feeling about Don Young when I first posted about his death, but after I talked with you, things started to fall into place for me.

    I have this strange sense that Young and Sinclair are not simply ‘people who didn’t know each other’…just like Gennifer Flowers and Juanita Broderick were part of a bigger picture; eventually more evidence will emerge that will show a pattern of behavior…

    Hopefully that will happen before November…

    ON CAO’s new site, methinks this is the way this got started:

    Four Years Ago Obama friend/lover was murdered

    Larry points out that at Chicago’s BET (Black Entertainment Television) message board, a comment was left on December 27, 20087 that has since been scrubbed:

    “Joshua said on December 27th, 2007 well i really hope that the fact that he was involved with obama cannot be linked to this murder!”

    He then talks about what he did to question authorities about the status of the murder investigation, and tried to get an answer from BET as to why they scrubbed that comment from the internet. But I’m sure we all know the answer to that seemingly rhetorical question.

    Larry’s website is a free website, but encourages people to support his efforts by subscribing and donating $5.00 a month. He personally sacrifices a lot to tell the truth, as I have personally witnessed over the years.

    Hmmmm you would have thought, if in fact Larry would have been aware of that comment posted in December of 2007, he would have connected the dots. He only revealed anything about Donald Young, months later in 2008.

    Here’s FatAss’ first hint that something was going on in that massive head of his on March 9, 2008:

    ADDED BY LARRY in response to a posterYou seem to know since you are saying this story has been out since last year. Because if you listen to any of my interviews I have made it clear when I began going to the press and before that I had given Obama every opportunity to resovle this issue on his cocaine use on his own. Also, please do not try to put word in my response to you, I never gave Obama any such deadlines, I went to the press after it became very clear Obama had no intent to come clean on his own. So if you say this story was out there since Oct then Obama leaked it. I think you maybe referring to the story that resulted in a young man being murdered before Christmas. Which by the way still has not been fully vetted. LS.

    Here’s one of the links dropped by the LINK QUEEN

    • ChanNem says:

      Great stuff Meesh. Also, I wish we had directly translated what Cao said instead of summarized it, but the first time that Cao mentioned Donald Young’s death was on a blog post that Larry was also contributing to. The date was 02/17/2008. The content I had at the following link:


      Larry: ‘Someone even posted on, they’ve even posted something on the web to where it comes, if you Google my name, stating hey, you know Sinclair is going to be found murdered and then they’re going to try and blame that on Obama too’

      [Cao comments on murder not being a stretch of the imagination because there is the story of the murdered gay choir director at Obama’s church.]

      (hi everyone! 🙂 )

      • Meesh says:


        Very interesting, as we often said, this Donald Young introduction, will be Larry’s Waterloo. Desperate measures eh?! Now where Larry added this in someone’s comment that basically said Larry had no proof. This part of Larry’s reply is puzzling:

        “I think you maybe referring to the story that resulted in a young man being murdered before Christmas. Which by the way still has not been fully vetted. LS.”

        It seems so bizarre to me! A story?! This was a few days prior to his earth-shattering news. “Fully vetted”?! Why didn’t he say his name? Why did he fumble with the name at Rense’s? Ah yes, he was testing the waters.

        I do find this all so fascinating, piecing things together. So you’re saying that they were posting it on someone else’s blog? I believe, Larry was avidly communicating with her (on her blog) at DearMurray’s as well as at and we cannot forget BigHead DC (but there were so many sockpuppets there, it was hard to figure who was in fact who.)

        Of course, Cao states her original blog was hacked and also blogtalk radio removed her archives, some vast conspiracy, yeh right!

        I am convinced we’ll get this all sorted out once and for all. Once again, I’m soooo happy to see you, ooooooooh Larry will be thrilled too! 😉

        • ChanNem says:

          Thanks 🙂 As I recall, I think I found that dialogue in the comments section on one of her blog posts. I’m so not surprised that her ‘archives’ were removed. I remember some of Rense’s stuff also disappearing after we started reporting some of the inconsistencies we found from the transcription process.

          If that is not an indirect admission of guilt I don’t know what is. Only guilty liars need to cover their tracks and we know Cao and Rense were as thick as thieves with Larry no matter what. They wouldn’t have believed him for a second, they just were hopeful he might help prevent Obama being elected.

          • ChanNem says:

            Opps – sorry, my bad. The Cao-Sinclair interaction was from their online radio interview on the 17th. I do have screen shots of conversation between Cao, Sinclair, Concerned Citizen, Murray, etc.

            I also recall that Cao was going on about the Young murder quite a bit earlier than the 17th. She basically worked overtime trying to think of any negative angle or spurious accusation to make against Obama.

  13. Dennis says:

    Notice what he says: “…please do not try to put word in my response to you….” Lard Ass is always telling folks not to try and interpret what he says, despite the exact nature of his mouthing. He is always leaving an “out” with anything he says. When caught on a false detail, it is the listeners fault. They put their “interpretation” to his words. If found lacking in having even a single piece of evidence, well, he has stuck to his (many) stories so there….Besides, you are putting your thoughts to his words. He couldn’t even remember Donald Young’s name the first few times he unloaded this story…well, you are once again making demands for something resembling reality. But you are in Lardo’s Bizarro World. Now, hit the PayPal button, sucker.

    • Meesh says:


      I recall shortly after Larry started his first WP site…he really didn’t know what he was doing. Actually, the few of us who were watching from HBeeinc didn’t either, this was long before M&N. For we would had taken screenshots of some of the comments. Some would have helped us tremendously and others were just downright hilarious! Larry had a habit of releasing everything and then would sanitize his site every few days when he sobered up. We would refer to this, of things going *POOF*. Sometimes dozens of comments disappeared!

      Well when Moma first came on the scene, we really didn’t know who she really was. You know the way, that Larry used to put ADDED BY LARRY in bold within some comments? He did this a few times to Moma. Well they started fighting. I will never forget when she came back at him and said something to the effect that he always twists things around/denies.So spin,spin,spin was adopted. Sherman, displayed a few at the original Regulator. I do not have them though. Sherman focused a lot on the Sickliar tribe.

  14. Borat says:

    Dennis he has grade three and a dick in his mouth all the time …..he cant compose a sentence

  15. Meesh says:

    I had been reviewing Larry’s big exposé about KStreet… when he said this…

    Bryant states:
    ” Sinclair has a 27 year criminal record as a con man.”

    Despite the continued repeating of the same old lie over and over again which Bryant and her gutter rats fed to Ben Smith and Dave Weigel, Sinclair has never at any time tried to hide his past. A past which contrary to Bryants claims, contain crimes between 1980-1986 for which Sinclair admitted his guilt and paid his debt.

    By the way, Ben Smith caught on really quick without being fed anything from us. Politico’s article dates back to June 18, 2008 and then after M&N further investigated to back-up Ben Smith’s findings. On July 3 & 8, 2008 M&N gave a detailed account to their findings. And yes, it’s a very long rap sheet! There’s more but they only posted what could be backed up.

    Also Larry failed to mention that he spent most of the 90’s in JAIL of course he couldn’t commit any more crimes! Yet he did manage to keep the court systems VERY BUSY! Someone posted this on his blog…. notice what he says at the end.

    Submitted on 2008/04/03 at 9:43 pm

    just me said:

    You want some truth about Larry. He says he’s an open book. Here you go…

    The Denver Post
    Inmate in 2nd month of hunger strike
    March 7, 1996
    Section: Denver & The West
    Page: B-04
    Kit Miniclier Denver Post Staff Writer
    A state prison inmate who has accused his guards of physical and mental abuse – and planting a weapon in his cell – has lost about 19 pounds in a hunger strike he started more than a month ago.
    State corrections spokeswoman Liz McDonough said inmate La-Rye V. Avila, 34, is being monitored by the infirmary staff at the maximum security Colorado State Penitentiary. She described his condition as “stable, alert and oriented.” Avila, who started the hunger strike Feb. 2, is taking some fluids, and “there is some question as to whether he is eating occasionally,” McDonough said.
    He was transferred to the infirmary on Feb. 6.
    Infirmary officials found no cuts, abrasions or bruises on the inmate that would substantiate his allegation of physical abuse, McDonough said. Guards said they found a shank, or homemade weapon, in his cell.
    It was a piece of a plastic food tray with a pointed end.
    It was hidden in the track of a sliding door in his cell.
    “He is alleging that the staff put it there, and we do have an investigation under way into that allegation,” McDonough said.
    Avila was sentenced in Jefferson County in 1987 to 16 years in prison for second-degree forgery.
    He will be eligible for parole in 2001.
    He has a history of violating prison regulations.
    Since his incarceration, Avila has been convicted of 83 violations under the code of penal discipline.
    The offenses included refusing to work, making threats, tampering with locks, disobeying a lawful order, theft of over $50 and assault, McDonough said.
    The lengthy record of violations suggests “he has not institutionalized well,” she said, adding that Avila had served time in prisons in Buena Vista, Delta, Limon and several facilities in Canon City before being transferred to the state’s maximum security penitentiary in September 1993.
    ADDED BY LARRY:AND I WILL BE THE FIRST TO SAY I AM PROUD I DID NOT INSTITUTIONIZE WELL, BECAUSE WHEN I WALKED OUT, I HAVE STAYED OUT. And your point is? What does this have to do with Barack Obama’s drug use and Bi-sexual behaviors? What you fail to include in this post is that I was paroled in 1997 and my sentence discharged completely on May 5, 2000. So please include these very minor details will ya?

    He says three things here, first he admits what’s written in the article is precise and secondly he was in jail during the ’90’s, third he stayed out? Well yeh, there’s a warrant for his arrest – it’s pending. well there’s 4) he can’t spell institutionalized hahahahahaha (well we knew he couldn’t spell):


    Oh yeh?! Forget about this FatAss? 😯 SEPTEMBER 1 of 2007. on pages 2-3.

    May I refresh you Mr. Sinclair what occurred during the mid 90’s and 2000’s. Those are all real court cases.

    La Rye Avila filed nine federal prisoner civil rights actions from prison in Colorado between 1993 and 1995. While in prison, Avila also filed the following civil and small claims matters in Fremont County and District courts in Colorado:

    La-Rye V. Avila v. Donice Neal, et al./, Case No. 1994CV000244, filed in Fremont District Court on November 3, 1994.

    La-Rye V. Avila v. Kelly J. MacKinnon, et al./, Case No. 1995S000045, filed in Fremont County Court on March 30, 1995.

    La-Rye V. Avila v. Donice Neal, et al./, Case No. 1995 CV000138, filed in Fremont District Court on July 24, 1995.

    La-Rye V. Avila v. Reginald Shockley/, Case No. 1996S000013, filed in Fremont County Court on January 18, 1996. The case appears to have resulted in a default judgment in favor of Avila, which was never satisfied.

    La-Rye V. Avila v. Jason Even/, Case No. 1996S000126, filed in Fremont County Court on June 18, 1996. The case appears to have resulted in a default judgment in favor of Avila, which was never satisfied.

    In March 1996: local press reported that La-Rye V. Avila an inmate at Colorado State Penitentiary, had lost about 19 pounds during a month-long hunger strike. The same article cited Avila’s 83 violations under the code of penal discipline, including refusing to work, making threats, tampering with locks, disobeying a lawful order, theft of over $50 and assault. The guards also claimed to have found a homemade weapon in his cell.

    In June 1996: while still in prison, Avila filed for a name change. The petition was filed by La Rye Avila Vis. The plaintiff’s alias is listed as Lawrence Wayne Sinlcair. (/Name Chance Action/, Case No. 1996CV000178, filed in Fremont District Court on June 24, 1996.)

    In January 1999: Lawrence W. Sinclair was sued by Bennet Brother Motors in Pueblo County Court in Colorado. Sinclair was the only defendant in what appears to be a collections action. The case was dismissed on May 10, 1999. (/Bennet Brothers Motors v. Lawrence W. Sinclair/, Case No. 19999S000061, filed in Pueblo County Court on January 29, 1999.)

    February 12, 1999: Sinclair was issued a traffic citation in Pueblo County, Colorado on February 12, 1999 for failing to obey a traffic control device. He pled not guilty and the action was dismissed on May 4, 1999. (/People of the State of Colorado v. Lawrence W. Sinclair/, Case No. 19999R000290, filed in Pueblo County Court on February 12, 1999.)

    On February 16, 1999:Lawrence W. Sinclair was sued by Pueblo Collections. A default judgment was entered against Sinclair in the amount of $2,170 on February 23, 1999. The online court records show the judgment to be satisfied. (/Pueblo Collections v. Lawrence W. Sinclair/, Case No. 19999C000795, filed in Pueble County Court on February 16, 1999.)

    On September 2,1999: Sinclair was issued a traffic citation in Bent County, Colorado on September 2, 1999 for going 10 to 19 miles over the speed limit. He paid a total of $72 in fines and court costs and was sentenced to six months of supervision. (/People of the State of Colorado v. Lawrence W. Sinclair/, Case No. 1999R000125, filed in Bent County Court on September 2, 1999.)

    In September 1999: Sinclair filed an action for a permanent restraining order against Amy Brasselero. A permanent restraining order was entered against Brasselero and in favor of Sinclair on September 18, 1999. ( /Lawrence W. Sinclair v. Amy Brasselero/, Case No. 1999C004124, filed in Pueblo County Court on September 9, 1999.)

    May 8, 2001:Sinclair was arrested on May 8, 2001 in Pueblo County, Colorado on two felony theft and forgery charges. Bond was set on May 23, 2001 in the amount of $15,000. (/People of the State of Colorado v. Larry Wayne Sinclair/, Case No. 2001CR000727, filed in Pueblo County District Court on May 21, 2001.)

    It was right after the bond and charges in Colorado that Larry left the country and moved to Mexico. Obviously, it was an attempt to avoid prosecution.

    On April 24, 2002: a civil action was filed against an individual named Larry Sinclair and another individual, Ramon Caraveo, Jr. A default judgment in the amount of $3,221.80 was entered against Ramon Caraveo on May 21, 2002. A satisfaction of judgment was entered by the court on November 20, 2007. (/PuebloBank & Trust Co. v. Larry Sinclair, et al./, Case No. 2002C002535, filed in Pueblo County Court on April 24, 2002.)

    On January 11, 2005: a suit was filed against Larry W. Sinclair in the state of California by Allen Stoller, et. al. in a car finance scam reportedly perpetrated by Sinclair. California case number is 05AM00193 and the birthday of the defendant is recorded as 9/26/61.

    In November of 2006: Lawrence Wayne Sinclair was issued a traffic ticket in Birmingham, Alabama. He was cited for speeding (84 in a 55) and ultimately convicted. He paid the fine in January, 2007. Notable, Sinclair was driving a brand new 2007 Pontiac G6, a $20,000+ vehicle at the time. The price of the vehicle seemed high for someone on SSI/SSD. His address at the time was listed as 1710 Garza St., Laredo, TX 78040.

    On March 23, 2007: Larry Sinclair wrote a fraudulent check on a Closed Bank of America Checking Account to an indigent Vivian Bowman of Laredo, Texas. At the time, Mr. Sinclair was staying in a luxury hotel in near Laredo and according to the victim, partying heavily with friends. Though not prosecuted (yet) for this crime, it is still pending.

    On September 1, 2007: Lawrence Sinclair was arrested in Kershaw County, South Carolina for Disorderly Conduct.

    Later in 2007, Larry Sinclair has been implicated in the following:
    An alleged scam involving insurance fraud. From reports gathered from Delaware, Larry was involved in a car accident in New Castle, DE where his car received significant damage, rendering it not drive able. However, 5 days later on 10/2/2007, Larry filed an insurance claim citing the “theft” of his “Daewoo Nubria”. These have been flagged as “fraudulent claims” though it is possible they have not been filed on. Further noteworthy, Larry apparently provided false addresses in both incidents (the theft and the wreck).

    Also in October, 2007: Larry was staying in a Rodeway Inn in New Castle, Delaware. Notably, he was paying for his stay on “Government Issued Vouchers”. While there, he met the owner/operator of the Inn, Sirhan “Sonny” Patel. Patel had a car for sale on the property priced at $2,400. Waiting toward the end of his two to three week stay, Larry surprisingly came up with $2,400 in MONEY GRAMS to purchase the car from Patel. He did so and as expected, Patel deposited the Money Grams into his bank account. Before his hasty exit, Sinclair told Patel he had changed his mind and no longer wanted the car. When Patel announced the Money Gram money orders had been deposited, Sinclair demanded cash which Patel paid. Only after Sinclair was gone did Patel’s bank discover the money orders were fake and Patel had been duped. A Delaware Grand Jury indicted Sinclair in February of this year2008.

    ::::waves:::: To Larry, I am doing the MATH and yup! 1980 to 2007 = 27 year criminal record, they are all criminal mischief/charges! OOPS we were wrong, it is 30years! This is you right? You started at 16 years old.

    In July 1977: two criminal charges of leaving the scene of an accident and backing onto the shoulder of the highway were filed against Larry W. Sinclair in Pueblo County, Colorado. Sinclair’s birth date is listed as September 26, 1960. (Case No. 1977C032254, filed in Pueblo County Court on July 22, 1977.)
    A civil matter involving a Larry Sinclair was filed in Denver County, Colorado in 1980. Sinclair’s date of birth is listed as September 26, 1961. (Case No. 80C172099, filed in Denver County Court.)

    Go back to Colorado, you need a rest, that’s the only place that you are WANTED.

  16. Meesh says:

    In this current post by CONtributor at the SNOOZE site, here’s the most pertinent part of the LATEST rip-off copy/paste:

    GOP Convention Releases Time-Lapse Video of Arena Preparations
    July 30, 2012
    By Contributor

    Streaming video of the time-lapse photography can be viewed at:

    Well the video is just a link (that goes to YouTube right?) Well someone had the audacity to comment about the set-up of the post or his SNOOZE site:

    Don · 3 hours ago
    LMAO!! This is a wonderful “news” site, dedicated to freedom, and when I try to open the video in a new window, do I don’t have to leave THIS site, I get a notice that right click is disabled! What a joke. So much for freedom! LOL!

    A little later on, ASSministror (Princess 2) after absorbing what “Don” had to say, comes to the rescue of CONtributor (Princess 3). Alsooooo I love the reasons, news flash! it’s just as easy to copy/paste on your well protected site! *idiot*

    LSAdministrator 50p · 41 minutes ago
    Don: You can open any video you wish by simply clicking the play button without going to another site. Right click is disabled for two reasons:
    1.) Because it makes it more difficult for those who like to copy photos and images and use them to photo shop in their efforts to attack people; and
    2.) to protect original content and make it easier to have unauthorized publication of that content removed when people try to edit it and use it for their own purposes.

    Doh! Princess 2, there’s no video to click the play button , furthermore there’s no “PLAY button, it’s an arrow in the center. When CONtributor (Princess 3) ripped off somebody’s post, he failed to embed the video to view on the SNOOZE site. Soooooo there’s nothing to press unless you go to YouTube’s site!

    I swear, he’s dumber than a bag of hammers. OOPS! Forgive me a “bag” and “hammers”, serve a purpose. OK I’ll try this, that massive head of his that’s “thick” as a brick, well inside, the Wheel is turning but the hamster is dead!

    Does he ever check back on what he actually posts, before rushing with an explanation?! Always an excuse and on the defensive eh?!

    Remember when he blamed us of attacking GretaWire and both ZeN and I were going to get sued? ZeN and I were really skeeered, we hid! By the way kids, with this video you just press the PLAY button er the center arrow. 🙂 H/T badpoet!

    • Dennis says:

      Nice work Meesh. Ah yes, his claim that “You weren’t there, so you can’t prove it didn’t happen.” Since I wasn’t at Ford Theater on the night Lincoln got shot, I can’t truth if it happened or not. Also wasn’t at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, so I haven’t a clue. It is the complete negation of history. Lardo is the supreme nihilist in all of philosophy. Or maybe he is just a con artist jerking people around by reversing the actual evidence process (you know, the one where the accuser is suppose to provide proof of their accusations). Or maybe Borat is right and he is just a dumb fuck. Or maybe he is a dumb fuck of a two-bit con artist who is fleecing a handful of suckers who appear to be dumber than he is (think about that Parsons – just how stupid are you to be hanging around with this fart?).

      • Meesh says:

        Oh I forgot to mention this, ASSministrator (Princess 2) must be in a cranky mood today. On that same post where “Don” was complaining about the YOUTUBE.

        Well “CINDY” comes in and questions the SNOOZE site’s posting policy. Just this part..
        ” all caps (a violation of internet etiquette)

        cindy · 5 hours ago
        REALLY, all caps are a violation! So much for freedom of expression!

        Now Princess 2….

        LSAdministrator 50p · 4 hours ago
        It you feel all caps is the only way you can exercise “freedom of Expression” you can do so on any internet blog or web site which allows it. You are free to express your opinions without screaming (all CAPS is screaming).

        Well if you look at all the copy/paste I took from his first website…. ADDED BY LARRY and what he writes is almost always written in “all caps”! Oh yeh the Princesses forgot, some of the other netiquette rules: use spell-check – tell the truth 🙄

        Almost forgot (about the video in the above post) How did badpoet know back then, that Larry was aspiring to be a hot shot reprorter?! I think he knew how it would turn out!LOL

        Epic Fail as with everything he does!

  17. Borat says:

    He is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo fukin dumb

  18. kstreet607 says:

    Wow Meesh, you’ve been really busy, I see!

    Unfortunately, this is a sick day for me. Feeling lousy…hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

    • Meesh says:

      Sorry you’re not feeling at the top of your game. You will not believe what Sickliar is up to now!

  19. Meesh says:

    Here’s the latest from Princess 1:
    “Sinclair’s Old Autographed Laptop Up For Grabs” The complete post below.

    OH Brother! Give me a break! Who wants to buy his flppin’ autographed *fried* laptop!!!What a string of bad luck on weekends eh? The engine blows on his car and now the laptop!
    Here’s an idea for you FatASs!

    AH HA! Wait a minute, I smell a rat.
    1) Book delay, didn’t this happen the last time?! Yes it did, in March of 2009 there was a HUGE delay, because he needed a new laptop. How many laptops can you *fry* inside of three years?! The book was due this coming September right? How convenient, eh?!

    2) For grabs?! My foot! How low can he get!

    Warning!!!! Whatever you do, DO NOT click on the image that he indicates(on his site) it’s at the end of his post!!! By the way, I am not touching ANY of the photos, I do NOT trust him! Shoots! Who needs what’s in his laptop, as long as he has a mouth, that’s the only ammunition we need. Now the pictures he has on display, it’s a TOSHIBA laptop with blue magic marker scribbled all over it. Very tacky to say the least. YUCK something that he drooled all over! Who wants that?!Rememer the “hungry bottom” posting?! Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!

    Sinclair’s Old Autographed Laptop Up For Grabs
    July 31, 2012
    By Lawrence Sinclair

    This is the same computer used to write both Sinclair Books and to defend against the $30 Million Defamation suit

    Over the weekend I experienced a situation that I would not wish on anyone. My trusty Toshiba Laptop of 3 years 6 months fried. Or at least the motherboard did. Sadly when I went to shut down the computer Friday (July 27, 2012) evening little did I know that it would go into a sleep that I would not awaken it from ever again. To know that all your book manuscript files and emails and everything you have worked on over the past 3 plus years was contained on a machine that no matter how many kisses it received from the handsome Prince, it was never to wake again! To say that a panic never before experienced set in on Saturday morning would be an understatement.

    after scrambling over the weekend to find a way to replace the recently deceased Laptop, on Monday July 30, 2012 it hit me. There are a large number of people out there who have dedicated the past 4 plus years of their lives to try and destroy me or anyone associated to me. In October 2008 these same individuals successfully managed to hack into 2 Hotmail accounts; 1 AOL account; 1 YouTube account; 1 Blogger account and 3 domains hosted on Startlogic and Hostmonster. With all the efforts made to try and get dirt on me or my activities I realized these same fruit cakes might give themselves a stroke if they could get their hands on the very computer that has been used since March 2009.

    Clearly I have no intention of paying the cost of replacing the motherboard and I certainly am not going to use it ever again so I decided to do something that some might consider a little crazy, even for me. I am putting the Toshiba Satellite L305D-S5928 Laptop which has been my primary computer since March 2009 up for sale “AS IS” to see just how determined some of these people are in their efforts to find something they can use to try and destroy me.

    The Laptop is being offered AS IS with no warranties neither made, implied nor given. The computers motherboard is fried and the computer is being offered with its AC cord and Toshiba System Restore Disc. This is the computer which Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? and the upcoming When One Man Stands was written on as well as the same computer used in the defense of the $30 Million defamation suit brought in 2010 by Daniel Parisi of

    Autographed Toshiba Laptop of Larry Sinclair

    I thought it would be worth putting this computer up for sale considering the extent to which some have already gone in their efforts to somehow try and discredit me or my work over the past four plus years. In addition if offering the computer for sale would help defray the cost of having to replace it that’s even better.

    Sinclair’s old Laptop autographed

    The computer does contain its original hard drive and no original parts of this machine have been removed or replaced. So if you want to own this machine you can. The purchaser of this computer will receive a Certificate of Authenticity certifying the machine is the original laptop owned by Sinclair which the Book Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? as well as the upcoming book When One Man Stands was written on as well as certifying this is the very computer used to defend against the $30 Million Defamation Suit Parisi et al. v Sinclair et al. The certificate will also certify that the computer contains all original parts as it contained on the date of original purchase. In addition to the Certificate of Authenticity the computer will be autographed by myself on the outside lid and on the inside dated July 31, 2012.

    The Laptop will be sold to the first buyer who clicks on the below image and makes the purchase. The item is as is and all sales are final.

    Click on the below image to purchase Sinclairs Autographed Laptop Please don’t! Redacted by Meesh!

    Excuse me, you pathetic scumbag, we were blamed for hacking email accounts, and that’s it (which we did not do, liar) Now it’s ALSO 1 Blogger account and 3 domains hosted on Startlogic and Hostmonster, you were kicked off of those accounts and you know it! Devious Liar, how can you sleep at night! You’ve done this your whole life, blame others when something goes wrong, when YOU were to blame, right?! Pathetic!

    • Dennis says:

      So he is trying to sell a crapped out laptop with a case marred by his autograph and with a hard drive that might contain material that he may or may not wish to have seen by others (and no matter how fried the machine might be, it is possible to retrieve such material). Further, he supposedly went through this a few years ago and as I seem to recall, got a new laptop just within the past two years, so his story doesn’t even add up. In fact, he supposedly has gone through a series of laptops over the past several years – based upon his account. So is this like maybe oh gee whiz a scam? Nah. I must be putting my perception to his “words.” Gee, is this a con? Oh yeah……But you get his own Certificate of Authenticy, which is worth about zilch on the open market.

    • gilligan25 says:

      Who in hell would be stupid enough to buy an old, dead laptop from FatBoy when I can go to a thrift shop and buy one for under $5?

      His followers are a bunch of cretins.

      • Meesh says:


        Next thing you know he’ll be selling off his skid-marked (autographed) “panties”. Well I was reading the BS about the Colorado Case that he has POSTED HERE! Does this mean if he turns himself in, he could make a cool 15K? Hahahaahaha All problems solved for everybody! Or else, if he comes up with 15K he’s off the hook?! What does it mean?

        Pueblo Case




        Now what gets me with that post, this was OVER four years ago, how long is that calendar in Colorado, sheesh!

        • Dennis says:

          You mean if I went down to Florida, hog tied the jackass and dragged him back to Colorado I would collect $15,000? Cool.

          • Meesh says:

            I dunno, I was reading FatAss’ post, I’m asking you guys. I am not a legal eagle (like some of you guys here) so I do not fully understand what a bond is, I guess if I would have been in and out of jail like POS – I also could be as a good lwayer like he is today. Darn-it! I betcha he’s on pins and needles waiting for their reply, it’s been way over four years.
            I read somewhere, in the last few days, (in one of his previous comments) that Truth Machine said he checks in with them weekly.

            By the way did you notice that he had the “all caps” on, when he wrote that post? Well I’ll tell ya this is forbidden at the Snooze site, for the Princesses claim it’s not proper Netiquette. So I guess FatAss was shouting eh?! Sheesh, this is located at the very top of his site, next to “About” and all his kewl links up there.

  20. Meesh says:

    LOOKIE, it’s ChanNem as we knew her as Jay aka jayautwitch!

    Welcome back! and also look here to see what Jay had to say!

    What a great avatar ChanNem aka Jay/ jayautwitch!

    • ChanNem says:

      Thanks Meesh.

      My goodness, this stuff is so detail-filled and nuanced it makes you go cross-eyed a bit doesn’t it? My poor brain is 4 years older and struggling to cope!

      I have no real hope of doing any sort of significant amount of back reading, but if anyone would like to catch me up to speed with some brief highlights that would be awesome. I know a little bit – like Parisi dropped his lawsuit, Sinclair went after KStreet (but not sure about what), and he’s had some new attention in the media (New Hampshire and some other chap?).

      I don’t think I’m useful to anyone anymore, but if you ever need any clarification about stuff I’ve already done, hopefully I’ll be able to help.

      It is an interesting time for Larry and his story because he’s a ‘desperation tool’ – the kind you only reach for if nothing else seems to be fixing your problem (the problem in this case being Obama’s re-election).

      This might mean that he gets the attention of some new dupes so it is great that there is some counter-point available – the shorter and easier to read the better.

      On a personal level, I hope life is going well for everyone and wonder what people are up to these days? I’m still in the same place, running a little business, raising my daughter and doing some studying (journalism/HR), surrounded by our lovely collection of critters.

      The extended global economic downturn has made me and many others a lot more self-sufficient, which I think has been a good thing.

      • Meesh says:

        Hey Jay,

        Actually you are very useful, some of us guys haven’t been here since day one. You can fill in the gaps with the past or what to expect next. You have always been able to explain why or what he’s up to. So don’t be shy!

        One thing about following this train-wreck (Larry Sinclair) you can drop away for months a year and it doesn’t change. Same old Larry, finding a way to make a fast buck. Always a different scheme, which results in a new failure! I am sure Larry hangs on because there’s a sucker born every minute. The world population as of today, is estimated to number 7.03 billion by the United States Census Bureau (USCB) reference wiki…so there you go!

        You asked why Larry decided to go after KStreet, we’re not too sure. What I gather, by coincidence KStreet decided to rearrange SinclairWatch site. She had reposted an article about the New Hampshire Herald interviewing Larry months ago. Well by coincidence the same day, one of his “snooze”writers posted sometype of an updated version. It’s here—-> I look in time to time at SW, but I hadn’t that day. I DID happen to see that revised article at Larry’s. The next day, I started seeing Larry sending these crazy “Updates” —-> Threats towards Sheila Bryant.A future exposé. I thought to myself WTF?! I went to peek in at KStreet’s Bingo! I think that’s what did it. You know Larry it doesn’t take much to set him off.

        • ChanNem says:

          So he was upset because of perceived competition for viewers?

          • Meesh says:

            No Jay, did you see KStreet’s post?—-> POSTED HERE! Well the first time she posted it, last January we also decided to post it at The Regulator too. Well you know how Larry stated he didn’t read The Regulator. (yeh right, he lived there) Sinclair went batshit crazy. So in retaliation he decided to run a 3 part exposé focusing on KStreet and the cesspoolers.He was livid then. Hahahahaha

            Well KStreet has been busy at SinclairWatch cleaning house and decided to re-post this particular one. But she did NOT know the Larry’s SNOOZE site were running an update, on that very same day. She never goes there, she only reads what we post here. Well what they posted was boring so I didn’t bother to mention anything about it here, Dennis may have said something about Phoenix (the title), but not much.
            Our Poor KStreet, she didn’t know what was up!

            • ChanNem says:

              Oh ok – so he didn’t like it being put out there that the way he talked about teens and drug use from one time to another had been compared. There might be a tighter focus to be pulled out of there.

  21. Borat says:

    July 25, 2012
    By Lawrence Sinclair

    Why is it that the American tax payer continues to foot the bill for Barack Obama’s side trips to meet with CEO’s in their homes?

    Hey fat ass , American taxpayers have footed the bill for your whole fuckin family

    • kstreet607 says:

      Borat, the idiot is a walking DUMB ASS MACHINE. He never sees that the crap he’s complaining about includes HIS OWN BEHAVIOR. Feeding off the government teat!!!!

  22. gilligan25 says:

    I’m baaack! We think our DSL took a direct hit from lightning on Monday night, but it’s back up and working now.

    I’ll go back and read the new posts–internet withdrawal is really rough, ya know.

    • Meesh says:

      I missed you Gilli! I am testing various themes, to see what works best for comments. With KStreet’s permission of course. Feel free to let me know what works best for you guys. Soooo you may have to refresh at times. The previous theme was great, but I found some of the replies were squished. If it’s too spacy, too bright, too dark let me know. The actual links to comments always appear in a different colour.

  23. kstreet607 says:

    So far I’m partial to the blue, Meesh. It’s the first one that I saw when I dropped in.

    Meesh at your leisure, send me an email with links detailing LardAss’ reasons for being on Social Security and having Medicaid.

    I’m still under the weather but Sinclair’s AUDACITY to complain about taxpayers footing the bill for Obama’s meeting with CEOs who are backing him deserves mentioning in SW. How myopic can the dyslexic SOB be?

    • Meesh says:

      This is the first one that I did first thing. Make sure to refresh.

    • kstreet607 says:

      Ooops I lost my edit capabilities. Once you choose the theme everyone likes it can be restored. 🙂 I wanted to type the word “please” in my previous post. 🙂

      • Meesh says:

        KStreet this one?! Let me know..we’ll try others throughout the course of the day, I’ll flip them around.

        • kstreet607 says:

          THIS is awesome…but keep going. 🙂

          • kstreet607 says:

            I like this blue too…its the one I said I liked.

            • Meesh says:

              It’s one of a newer WP theme… called appropriately Brand New Day! Scroll down to the very bottom and you will see the sun rising. Kewlsies! With this theme, we can put the kids to bed with it… it’s got nighttime too! And different seasons all within the same format. Sooo I think I will keep this for a while and after 7PM (EST) or so, I will switch to nighttime. Whichever is the most appeasing for viewing and commenting is what counts. I just love how WP allows you to preview before activating.

              OK back to work, I will see if I can find what you’re looking for.

      • kstreet607 says:

        No, I’m not looking for anything in particular Meesh. I trust your judgement and great sense of style. Go for it! 🙂

        • kstreet607 says:

          Did I just put an “e” in the word judgment”? Yikes! LOL

          • Meesh says:

            That’s quite alright, because here in Canada and the UK commonwealth countries “judgment” is spelt “judgement”. I did not even notice that, it’s a word that can work both ways sweetie.

            Besides, you were addressing me, a canuck 🙂

            PS Did you happen to see, the night-time version of this theme? Also, I have also sent you a couple of emails within the last hour.

  24. gilligan25 says:

    Oh, FatBoy jumped on the Chik-fila bandwagon. I can’t think of anything more yummy than over processed breaded chicken deep fried and served on a bun.

    Never ate there–and never will. I like fried chicken from local places so I know what I’m getting.

    Chick-fil-A Customer Says It All
    August 1, 2012
    By Lawrence Sinclair

    Today August 1, 2012 was designated Chick-fil-A appreciation day by former AR Gov. and FOX News Host Mike Huckabee after Chick-fil-A was targeted by gay rights groups trying to portray the business as being anti-gay and a hate group. We took the time to go to our local Chick-fil-A to see if people really were going to stand for traditional family values and a mans right to have and express his religious beliefs. In the words of Chick-fil-A customer Micky Reed “This says more than words could ever express!”

    The Drive-Thru lane was backed up out of the parking lot into the Lowe’s & Target Store lots. Despite the crush of people waiting in lines that stretched out each entrance people were determine to take a stand and show they support Chick-fil-A.

    If the Gay Activists who set their sights on Chick-fil-A wanted to find out just how many Americans and families would stand in support of Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy it is clear far more than they may have expected. Those showing their support in Port Orange covered most every age group, ethnic background and religious or non-religious faith.

    • Meesh says:

      Huh! Isn’t the laptop’s motherboard fried?! Or do each of the princesses that live in his head, each have their own make-believe laptop?

    • kstreet607 says:

      Hate groups my a**! This ignorant, disgusting myopic, self-hating idiot gets on my last nerve. This is not about what Dan Cathy said. It’s about where he puts his money and the insidious programs that he support, including the “Kill The Gays” effort in Africa. That in and of itself is an horrific concept to adapt anywhere!

      This creepy kid is just like LardAss:

    • Dennis says:

      How much do want to bet he was only there hoping to score some free chicken. After all, he is a “powerful” reporter and could do them some positive ink….

      • Meesh says:

        Have any of you seen the videos he uploaded of this snoozeworthy event?! ——> Don’t worry this will not bring you to the SNOOZE site but Larry’s YouTube channel. OMG!

        He did take one down that I watched last night, he kept repeating himself by shouting. In one of the videos some lady asks what “news” station will this appear on, he said the name and gave her the link to his SNOOZE website. Hahhahahaha What a flippin’ *idiot*! Mr.Oparil had it right when he said: “Dude, you don’t have a clue.”

      • kstreet607 says:

        How much do want to bet he was only there hoping to score some free chicken. After all, he is a “powerful” reporter and could do them some positive ink….

        Dennis! ROFL!!!!

  25. YankeeClipper says:

    Hi Kids!

    I’ve been lurking for the last few days…

    I like this background, Meesh. Also like the blue one.

    • Meesh says:

      Thanks Yankee! I missed you!

      Well we had problems with commenting with the sunny blue theme. So please feel free to try the various themes out, as often as you want. I’m just ironing out quirks. If you have have problems/suggestions please let me or KStreet know. I just thought the comment section should be easy to read and as simple to reply, I like a change once in awhile. That’s me.

      Also to keep track of the recent comments, I placed the recent commentators on the sidebar.This way, you do not have to constantly scroll up to see whether someone is replying to something posted earlier. Just click on the link next to the name.

      I have several days off before I have to go back to the daily grind, so I thought I would mess up help with KStreet’s site. 🙂

    • kstreet607 says:

      You’re always missed when you’re away YC!

  26. kstreet607 says:

    Hey Meesh, I always liked this theme. Whenever you complete your search, lets take a poll. I’ll add one to this site and we can get a consensus. Since there’s only a few of us, that should be easy. 🙂

    Sorry I was gone all day. Not only am I under the weather, but Joshua, the seven year old, was playing football with his league yesterday and when he fell into some dirt while running, it caused him subsequent grief. His eyes began to swell immediately and his eyes turned beet red.

    I flushed his eyes every three hours or so…all night and all day. Swelling dissipated but redness is still prominent. His mom is taking him to the doctor in the morning so well get her opinion as to how to proceed.

    I should be back in full swing tomorrow. I’m neglecting SW and TFC as well. Have a good night everyone.

    • Meesh says:


      No probs, poor little thing and also take care of yourself too. It’s a long weekend here in Canada, so I would rather stay out of the stores. Crazy canucks LOL I’m having fun here.

      Well “The Brand New Day” is out, (the 1st) blue theme, as we discussed by email. It’s senseless if it’s difficult to comment with, this was the whole purpose of getting it right. We can switch time from time without messing up the main posts. Oh well! We’ll get it in time, with feedback.

  27. gilligan25 says:

    i liked the new day theme, but the sun was over the reply section. i found it impossible to reply to any post. i wonder why they designed it that way.

    • Meesh says:

      Not sure Gilli, sometimes these new themes need to be tweaked by the authors. In time they’ll probably iron things out. I’ll check what the Community Boards at WP have to say. You know with the BRAND NEW DAY theme, at times I found myself running out of place to reply, the little box closed up.

      I’ll check other stuff perhaps over the weekend, maybe sooner. Thanks for the feedback! I personally do not know what goes on when commenting from the site as I often do it from the Dashboard.

      Ha! You inspired me, I came across this one! I can’t resist I found this theme just for “you” Gilli! Going to bed, will switch it around again. Just gonna try more things out.

      • gilligan25 says:

        Meesh, I love it! Seeing the beaches from the sea is pretty damn cool anyway.

        And here’s one of my favorite sailing songs (okay, I could’ve found a sea chanty, but I like this one):

  28. kstreet607 says:

    Wow, I haven’t seen one theme that i DON’T like, Meesh.

  29. kstreet607 says:

    This speaks volumes about the weird people who believe Sinclair without a shred of evidence to prove his “story”:

    “One of the biggest problems with the world today is that we have large groups of people who will accept whatever they hear on the grapevine, just because it suits their worldview—not because it is actually true or because they have evidence to support it. The really striking thing is that it would not take much effort to establish validity in most of these cases… but people prefer reassurance to research.”

    ~Neil deGrasse Tyson

  30. Meesh says:

    Good Morning kids!

    So far so good, thanks for the feedback Gilli, I love Southern Cross! Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (was our canuck Neil Young part of that one?) No matter it’s still one of my favourites!

    Well this can remain one of our summer themes, as long as commenting is easy and clear to read for you kids!

    Feel like partying? Remember this one?

    It’s hard to believe it’s 42 years old, and it’s still being played!

    This sold over 16 million copies worldwide and was Britain’s biggest-selling single in 1970. Later on, it was used regularly in many different commercials and became one of the most recognizable songs. Many years later, it became the world’s most-played radio song and the most successful summer song ever. – Songfacts

  31. Dennis says:

    Since most of these “theories” will eventually appear in Lardo’s World, here is a quick guide to:
    Your guide to the very latest in anti-Obama conspiracy theories

    Actually, Ilse is already working on the gun theories.

    • gilligan25 says:

      Orly sounds like she’s going to file yet another lawsuit. It was rather garbled (okay, that’s Orly), something about preventing the Big Dog from speaking at the DNC.

      I’m going to start buying popcorn by the silo if I keep reading Orly shit.

      • kstreet607 says:

        What do you call a character like Orly Taitz? The Energizer Bunny from hell?
        The Bitch is wacko, but then again, the majority in the Republican party are wacko so I guess she’s just another Repug shill.

      • Dennis says:

        From the little bit I can find out, it appears that some birthers are trying to demand that Obama be removed from office before the convention on the grounds that he has a forged social security card and birth certificate. Their proof? Well, nothing really. How is this suppose to happen. Well, it won’t because of the complete lack of proof and overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Their objective? Same as usual. Make a lot of noise and carry on like the cast members of a dinner theater version of Marat/Sade.

        • gilligan25 says:

          Now that’s the musical version of Marat/Sade, right?

          And that’s their usual drivel–Orly and the rest call Obama the Usurper (rant rage froth). Ain’t gonna happen, but you can bet they’ll be given enough code words from his opponent to be encouraged.

          BTW, Michelle “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann has a piece in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, trying to justify her jihad against Muslims. Oddly enough, she didn’t mention Huma once, no doubt not very happy about being condemned by John McCain on the floor of the senate as well as a few others for her McCarthyite tactics.

          I wonder who wrote it.

          • Dennis says:

            Yes, and Orly wants to play Charlotte Corday. The scary thing is she would be almost perfect in the role.

            • gilligan25 says:

              I figure Orly will play her as Norma Desmond (wearing a blonde wig) with a Moldavian accent. She’ll focus on hitting her high notes when she shrieks, TREASON USUPER TRAITOR

              And then she’ll dance.

  32. gilligan25 says:

    Hey, Julio, you dumbass–those TSA folks are some truly horrible people. Here they are, rescuing a kidnap victim at the Miami airport. In the lacunae of your vacuous brain, they shouldn’t have been on the job:

    sharp-eyed Transportation Safety Administration officers are credited with saving a young woman who was beaten and abducted before her kidnappers tried to take her across state lines.

    The officers, Ray and Danielle, did not reveal their last names.

    “I believe we saved her life that day,” Ray told WFOR-TV.

    She came to Miami International Airport on July 5 alongside two men and two women. She was obviously terrified, Danielle said, and used a scarf to conceal injuries to her face.

    “When she came closer I realized she was black and blue on both sides of her face, her forehead,” Ray recalled. “I noticed her shoulder looked like she had a big rug burn.”

    The officers realized the woman had likely been abducted. When they took her aside, “She told us basically to help her and to take her away from the people that she was traveling with,” Danielle said.

    Read more:

    • Dennis says:

      You see, the TSA are interfering with businessmen (much like the business ol Fat Boy use to be in). Another sign of the Obama’s was on capitalism. Ilse should be ranting soon about this one.

      • gilligan25 says:

        So you think Julio is okay with someone being beaten and kidnapped because that might interfere with business (so does Julio even work)? And who knows what’d happen when they got back to Newark.

        BTW, wasn’t Larrd in the Miami-Dade jail? I think he was, but I can’t remember what for or for how long.

        • Meesh says:

          Gilli and Borat too!

          One of the past princesses was really busy in Florida, Mr Adams (Larye V. Avila-Adams) I guess Princess kicked him out of his head because of the name change. Maybe that`s why he started back in Florida Hmmmmm

          Larye V. Avila-Adams, an alias used by Sinclair, was convicted of grand theft ($300 – $20,000) in Broward County, Florida.The offense took place on April 4, 1985 and Avila Adams was admitted to jail on June 6, 1985. His scheduled release date was October 28, 1985. Florida conviction records provide the following identifiers for the defendant: height — 582;683;; eyes– amber; date of birth — September 26, 1961. The defendant also used the alias La-Rye A. Avila. (Case No. 8505875, Department of Corrections No. 098146.)

          On June 17, 1986, Larye V. Avila-Adams, an alias used by Sinclair, was convicted of uttering forgery and grand theft ($20,000 – $100,000) in Dade County, Florida. (Sinclair appears to have passed a stolen check with the signature forged.) Avila-Adams is listed as an absconder and active probationer in connection with this conviction record. Florida Department of Corrections records provide the following identifiers for the defendant: height — 582;683;; eyes — hazel; date of birth — September 26, 1961; state of birth — South Carolina. (Case No. 8617266, Department of Corrections No. 415180.)

          I cannot forget the day Mitch found this out! Sickliar claimed he had forgotten all about some of this shit. Heh Borat call your friend Rally (at the park) in Florida.

          • gilligan25 says:

            Broward AND Miami jails? It’s a double!

            Note how he changes his eye color–amber on one, hazel on the other.

            Gee, I hope he doesn’t smash any walls in the double wide. Maybe he’ll just get pissed and shoot off his b b gun, maybe kill some possum.

  33. Borat says:

    Apparantly he is now selling shares in SIN liar news

    • Meesh says:


      Shares for his SNOOZE site now? OMG did you see his latest post that he wrote on his fried laptop?! He is interviewing/arguing on Facebook. He is so unprofessional. The other day when he went to cover ” Chick-fil-A appreciation day” a lady asked what news station he was covering for. He said Sinclair News and told her the website link. The lady asked him if he had a business card. He said he left them in the car. 🙄

      Here it is :

      This is one of the good videos. He had said he needs better equipment. OMG look at the way he utilizes the equipment that he currently owns. It’s the “reprorter” that sucks and not necessarily the equipment.

    • YankeeClipper says:

      LOL. The last time he pimped shares in one of his business ventures it was because the venture was desperate for cash and on the verge of collapse. Looks like Sinkliar Snooze is now circling the ceramic bowl too. LOL

      • Meesh says:


        He’s always desperate for cash, because he fails at whatever he does. The solution to all of his problems is money honey. He lacks absolutely no skills, he can’t even work a good scam and that’s his profession.
        Lawrence W Sinclair E.P. (epic fail).

    • gilligan25 says:

      Not this shit again. The last time he sold shares in himself, he pissed away all the money, then was going to file bankruptcy, then he got all pissy and finally ended up doing that suicide by tic tac thing.

      So FatBoy selling shares is a really good idea. I love it when he goes all drama queen.

  34. Borat says:

    The lady asked him if he had a business card. He said he left them in the car.

    LOL ……sure ffin bum

  35. Borat says:

    Wow a retarded Reproter! does he have his helmet cam ?

  36. Meesh says:

    I was looking at Hollywood7’s youtube channel, that’s CAO’s aka cow channel Here is Larry in Chicago when he met her on the TITTS tour.

    Yeh CAO’s obsession with this Donald Young angle is quite obvious. Trinity Church did not want FatAss there, because he is a con and a nutcase. Sidebar when you look at Larry four years go, he certainly is aging terribly. Back then, I never thought he could look worse.

  37. democratista says:

    Hi Kids…
    I see you did some redecorating. Very nice. Been so very busy with work and home that I haven’t had much time to socialize. I am canvassing in NH every other Saturday and making calls on Tuesday nights for the Pres. Those Saturdays are long, all day affairs, but it’s pretty cool talking to people.

    Did Lardy give up on attempting to intimidate KStreet? (as if….lol) And you say he is now selling shares again? Oh good…let the idiot haters support the lazy SOB.

    Hugs to all….

    • Meesh says:

      Howdy ((((((Ruthie))))))
      So very nice to see!
      Yes, Larry went after KStreet again, we re-posted his rant here (on our site)—-> On pardon me, it wasn’t Larry it was CONtributor. (one of the princesses that live in his head) Now tell me, how could some contributor write EXACTLY like Larry. Hahahahaha

    • gilligan25 says:

      DEMO!!!! Lots of {{{{hugs}}}}

      Unsurprisingly, this stock/shares sale coincides with him claiming his laptop motherboard has fried and him managing to drive a 92 Honda into the ground.

      I think he’s got a month before his next book is supposed to be out. I assume his ghost writer is working hard on it.

      • Dennis says:

        I’m confused. Which do I want to do. Buy the crapped out laptop? Purchase some hot stocks into his company? Or maybe just get him a really nice new car? Please people, help me here….

  38. gilligan25 says:

    Oh—today I was flipping around channels, headed towards the Weather Channel to check out tropical storm Ernesto and passed Fox. They had some lunatic birfer commercial on (they only need 10,000 signatures to get Obama off the ballots or something) and an 800 number. Some announcer was talking about 3000 words a minute and I was afraid that if I called, I’d end up with a case of Sham Wows. Bizarro.

    Here’s more info:

    • Dennis says:

      Would I be wrong in assuming that this doesn’t even come up to the standards of a kangaroo court? BTW, shouldn’t the ad start out with a tiny car pulling up just before all of the clowns pile out?

  39. Meesh says:

    I see Sinclair scrubbed another website—–>
    I wonder why? …..and he says he never comes here eh?! No worries FatAss, we’re covered! How many websites is this now? Nine or ten?

    • gilligan25 says:

      Well, the Prez was in Orlando yesterday, and even though I’m sure the USSS invited Larrdasss to attend LOLOLOL, my guess is he’s out scrubbing websites for a reason.

      • Dennis says:

        Well you see. Poor guy was stuck all day in the wideload so he decided to do a little “house cleaning.”

    • gilligan25 says:

      Fogbw says that it’s WND and Swiftboater and birfer Jerome Corsi behind the ad (which I just saw again). I wonder who’s putting the money in? The Donald?

  40. kstreet607 says:

    One has to wonder why Larry Sinclair scrubs his websites? What is it he’s afraid of people seeing. Did he forget about SPINC until Meesh brought it up? What’s he trying to hide scrubbing so many sites? If he’s on the “up and up” as he infers, what has he got to hide. SW readers will want to know as well.

  41. Meesh says:

    I couldn’t resist Yankee! hahahaha
    I might be trying out different themes tonight. So don’t be alarmed, and please leave comment(s) to try things out. I just want to see if one theme is easier to post comments than another theme.

  42. democratista says:

    I went over there to look for the stock offerring but I didn’t see anything. Is it gone? Something that’s been pissing me off for a while -.need to just say it. I cannot believe that SOB makes it sound like the Secret Service visits him or he is denied entrance to any convention because he’s new site is so important and scarey to President Obama (or anyone for that matter). He writes all this bs on his site but omits his history of faxing bullet-riddent pictures to the White House, past Secret Service visits, and all around history of how he morphed into the latest version of Larry Sinclair aka Lawrence Sinclair aka Larry Lardy Ahasti Adams Avilla Fatty Tuna Douche Sinclair. I suppose the vast majority of right wing nut jobs who visit his site probably know who his is, but not necessarily all the shit he has done.

    And Good morning, bon matin, mes amis….this set up reminds me of old times.

    • Meesh says:

      Bonjour Demo!

      Actually Borat spoke to someone at Larry’s trailer park. This is how he found out of the stocks being sold. My question is, isn’t that a fee domain, it’s a website for pete’s sake. Stocks?
      Yes, for me too, where Larry makes himself sound like the model citizen and that he isn’t being watched by the USSS is crazy. But that’s the POS!

  43. Borat says:

    Larry Knows how to run a company…………….. RIGHT INTO THE GROUND


  44. Dennis says:

    Only thing new over at Lardo’s World is another predictable rant by Ilse, bar maid to the beer hall putsch. Yep, she is telling Harry Reid to put up or shut up and demanding to see his tax returns (which I think are actually available). Let’s see, these nutters demand that Obama prove them wrong and any evidence he does produce is ruled as bogus but Mitt doesn’t have to produce anything even if he is the only person who has access (like to his tax records – if he has any) but everybody else has to show and tell. Only point of interest is the photo she includes of Mitten’s freshmen grade card from Cranbrook. I especially like the teacher’s comment that Mitt “wastes much time in class.” Yep, he still does.

  45. kstreet607 says:

    Good afternoon guys! Sorry I haven’t been as consistent as I should be on TRT. Lots of things going on including some health issues. I will try to do better. Love you guys! Meesh you’re amazing…

  46. gilligan25 says:

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President….here’s what Marilyn Monroe sang to JFK way back when:

  47. gilligan25 says:

    Oh, yuk. Was over at FatBoy’s place and saw an ad for “Free Edgar Steele.” Who’s Edgar Steele? He was the Aryan Nations lawyer, and denied he was an antisemite and racist until he came out a year or two after the trial (he lost badly).

    Steele is currently doing 50 years in prison for attempting to murder his wife.

  48. YankeeClipper says:

    Steele in his own words:

    In His Own Words
    “To the Arabs, America and Israel are the same. In a very real sense, they are absolutely correct, of course. America is Jewish controlled now, at all levels. America IS the Jews. … [The 9/11 attacks] happened because we have been taken over from within by people that see that the only way to remain in power is to conquer the rest of the world.”
    — From a 2001 essay on

    “Without a pressure release valve, as open racism once provided, an explosion of epic proportions at some time in the future is guaranteed. There will be a race war, the initial skirmishes of which already are being fought in America’s streets, that will bring an altogether new meaning to the concepts of race war and genocide, courtesy of those who claim to abhor racism.”
    — From Steele’s 2004 book Defensive Racism

    “We should not honor such a misbegotten individual as Michael [sic] King, Jr. Nor should we honor the nonexistent ideals that King supposedly has come to represent: equal opportunity, brotherhood and overcoming prejudice. … If this must be MLK Day, then let those initials stand for what far too many American Negroes truly have become in an increasingly racially-divided and tense America: Marchin’ Lootin’ and Killin machines. Yep. Marchin’ Lootin’ Killin’ Day.”
    — From a 2007 essay on

  49. Borat says:

    Terry at the park says lard ass wears a bra now……….

  50. Borat says:

    rocking a MOOB D cup

  51. gilligan25 says:

    Shit. There’s been a shooting at a Sikh temple in Milwaukee (Oak Creek, on the far south side of Miwaukee, on the southeast side south of Mitchell International Airport.


    Initial reports said that 20-30 people were injured, but early reports are notoriously unreliable. CNN is reporting multiple shooters, but who knows.

  52. Meesh says:

    A new post, thanks Dennis—–> HERE Let’s move everything here, K? It’s getting pretty crowded again! Again…Talk about anything!

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